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2021/03/26 第558期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 用手機叫計程車
【英語學習Plus】 發現新行星
【本月發燒書】 打造英文閱讀核心素養力1:108課綱大考混合題型攻略(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★經典故事,一次收藏★原著雙語經典讀本套書【彩圖平裝版】9書特價中





■ 介紹線上叫車應用程式

Do you know about our city's taxi app?


It's a free app that allows you to call a taxi from anywhere in the city.



■ 想問對方如何使用叫車應用程式

How do I use it? 要怎麼使用呢?

It's very simple. Just download the app on your smartphone.



■ 說明下載後如何操作裡面的功能

Now you need to enter your credit card details and destination.


Just tap on "Call a Taxi" and a nearby taxi will come to pick you up.




幫某人叫計程車的英文可以用:call...a taxi


如果不知道如何使用某樣事物,超實用的詢問語就是"How do I use it?" 我要怎麼使用它?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「用手機叫計程車」

發現新行星 New Planet Discovered

Scientists have discovered a new planet that is similar to Earth. The planet, called Kepler-186f, is slightly (no more than 10%) larger than ours and probably has seasons like Earth does. But while this news is exciting, there is a lot that we still don't know about Kepler-186f.

NASA – the research organization that found the new planet – is always looking for planets with similar conditions to Earth's. However, space scientist Thomas Barclay says that we should think of Kepler-186f as an "Earth cousin" and not as an "Earth twin." Like our planet, it is made of rock. It is also likely to have water on its surface, which is unusual, but in many other ways Kepler-186f is different from Earth.

Whereas Earth takes 365 days to go around the sun, Kepler-186f only takes 130 days to go around its star. Earth is brighter, too; at midday on Kepler-186f, the sky would look the same as during our sunset. And scientists don't yet know about the emperature on the new planet. There is a good chance that Kepler-186f is much hotter than Earth.

Unfortunately, humans will not be traveling to Kepler-186f any time soon. It is 500 light-years away, so the journey would take a lot more than 500 years. NASA is still looking for other livable planets which are closer and easier to understand.



地球公轉太陽一圈需要365天;克卜勒-186f公轉其恆星一圈僅需130天。地球也較為明亮,克卜勒-186f 的午時,天空看起來已如地球的夕陽景象。況且,科學家尚未得知此新行星的氣溫,克卜勒-186f 的氣候很有可能比地球炎熱許多。


──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【4】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)》


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