用AI面試,你ok嗎?南韓補教推出「AI面試模擬課」  In South Korea, students pay for classes in everything from K-pop auditions to real estate deals. Now, top Korean firms are rolling out artificial intelligence in hiring - and jobseekers want to learn how to beat the bots and get a job. 在南韓,學生可以為了各式各樣的主題掏錢補習,從K-pop面試到房地產買賣都能補。現在,韓國企業在徵才時使用人工智慧面試官,而找工作的人想知道如何打敗這些機器人,得到工作。 Many major South Korean conglomerates like SK Innovation and Hyundai Engineering & Construction use AI in hiring. Although the need seems to be tiny in the country’s multi-billion dollar cram school industry, classes for AI hiring are growing fast. Careers consultant Park Seong-jung is now offering a three-hour package for up to 100,000 won in handling recruitment screening by computers, not people. 許多南韓大企業如SK Innovation及現代建設都使用人工智慧招募。在全韓國幾十億的補習班市場中,雖然目前人工智慧面試課的需求感覺上很少,但這類課程正在快速成長。職涯顧問Park Seong-jung就提供三小時的課程,學費約10萬韓圜(約台幣2,462元),他教的是如何面對「電腦」的面試,而非真人面試官。 Preparing for such tests doesn’t necessarily involve simply memorizing answers. “Don’t force a smile with your lips,” Park Seong-jung told students looking for work in a recent session, one of many he said he has conducted for hundreds of people. “Smile with your eyes.” 準備這樣的面試不需要背答案。職涯顧問Park Seong-jung在近期的課堂中對找工作的學生說:「不必擠出笑容,要用眼睛微笑。」Park Seong-jung說他已經為幾百人提供這樣的課程。 According to Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), nearly a quarter of the top 131 corporations in the country currently use or plan to use AI in hiring. 韓國經濟研究所(Korea Economic Research Institute,KERI)指出,韓國國內前131大公司中有將近四分之一使用,或計劃使用人工智慧招募。  One AI video system reviewed by Reuters asks candidates to introduce themselves, during which it spots and counts facial expressions including ‘fear’ and ‘joy’ and analyses word choices. It then asks questions that can be tough: “You are on a business trip with your boss and you spot him using the company (credit) card to buy himself a gift. What will you say?” 路透社採訪時看了一個人工智慧影片系統,該人工智慧要求面試者自我介紹,並在過程中記錄「害怕」、「喜悅」等臉部表情,並分析面試者的用字。接著,人工智慧系統問了一些滿難的問題,像是「你跟老闆一起出差,但你看到老闆用公司的信用卡買自己的禮物,你會說什麼?」 AI hiring also uses ‘gamification’ to gauge a candidate’s personality and adaptability by putting them through a sequence of tests. AI面試官也會利用遊戲化(gamification)的方式,透過一系列的測試,測出面試者的個性及適應力。 Kim Seok-wu, a 22-year-old senior at a top university, recently failed to get beyond an AI interview for a management position at a retail company. “I think I will feel hopeless if all companies go AI for hiring,” Kim said. “The AI interview is too new, so job applicants don’t know what to prepare for and any preparations seem meaningless since the AI will read our faces if we make something up.” 今年22歲,就讀頂尖大學的Kim Seok-wu近期參加一家零售公司的管理職位AI面試,但他沒有通過。他說:「如果所有的公司都使用AI面試,我會很絕望。AI面試太新了,求職者不知道該怎麼準備,而且任何準備似乎都沒有意義,因為如果我們想假裝任何事,AI會直接解讀我們的表情。」 繼續讀: 1.Minecraft虛擬圖書館 打造線上自由之地? 2.美失業補助申請破兩千萬件 多到要機器人來幫忙 參考資料:Business Insider, Popular Mechanics, Reuters, Fast Company, CNBC 編輯/馬婉娟、黃煒齡 本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年05月號 訂閱雜誌 |