Done With Bond, Craig Will Play Macbeth on Broadway 告別龐德 丹尼爾克雷格將回到百老匯

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2021/10/22 第355期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Done With Bond, Craig Will Play Macbeth on Broadway 告別龐德 丹尼爾克雷格將回到百老匯
In Britain, Rising Prices and Shortages Evoke 1970s-Style Jitters 物價上漲與商品短缺 勾起英人70年代慘痛記憶
Done With Bond, Craig Will Play Macbeth on Broadway 告別龐德 丹尼爾克雷格將回到百老匯
文/Michael Paulson

告別龐德 丹尼爾克雷格將回到百老匯

Daniel Craig is veering from James Bond to Shakespeare.


The 53-year-old actor, who has said that his tenure as Bond will come to an end with the release of "No Time to Die," on Oct. 8, plans to return to Broadway next spring to star in the title role of "Macbeth."


Famous for his film career, especially as the rakish spy, Craig is also an accomplished stage actor.


He has starred in two previous Broadway plays, the 2009 production of "A Steady Rain" and a 2013 revival of "Betrayal." And he played the villainous Iago in a 2016 off-Broadway production of Shakespeare's "Othello" at New York Theater Workshop, opposite David Oyelowo in the title role.


The lead producer for the Broadway production will be Barbara Broccoli, who has a long collaboration with Craig: She and her brother produce the Bond films, and they also coproduced "A Steady Rain" and supported the nonprofit "Othello" production.


Broccoli said she had been talking with Craig about Macbeth for several years, ever since he expressed an interest in playing the role.


"I'm thrilled that it's coming after Bond, because, obviously, after 16 years of working with this man, the thought of it all coming to an end has been really difficult to take," she said. "And so it's really heartwarming for me that we're going to be working on something else so soon after the wrapping up of his James Bond cycle."


Broccoli said that she and Craig also thought it was important to stage the play this season, as Broadway seeks to recover after a long shutdown prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.


"It's been a horrendous 18 months for everyone, and live theater has been damaged tremendously," she said. "He really wants to come back and be on the stage and encourage people to come back to Broadway — it's important to all of us from a cultural point of view and from a social point of view."


"Macbeth" is scheduled to run for 15 weeks, beginning previews March 29 and opening April 28 at Broadway's Lyceum Theater. The production is to be directed by Sam Gold, who also directed the off-Broadway "Othello" in which Craig appeared, and who in 2019 directed a Broadway revival of "King Lear." The production will feature original music by Gaelynn Lea.


There have been 47 previous Broadway productions of "Macbeth," according to the Internet Broadway Database; the most recent was in 2013, starring Ethan Hawke and Anne-Marie Duff.


In Britain, Rising Prices and Shortages Evoke 1970s-Style Jitters 物價上漲與商品短缺 勾起英人70年代慘痛記憶
文/Mark Landler, Eshe Nelson an

物價上漲與商品短缺 勾起英人70年代慘痛記憶

Long lines at gas stations, rising fuel prices, empty shelves in supermarkets and worries about runaway inflation.


Britons have emerged from 18 months of pandemic-imposed hibernation to find their country has many of the same afflictions it had during the 1970s. There is nothing Austin Powers-like about this time machine: Unlike the swinging '60s, the '70s were, by all accounts, some of the bleakest days in postwar Britain; even contemplating a return to them is enough to make leaders of the current government shiver.


The sudden burst of doomsaying in Britain is rooted at least as much in psychology as economics. While there is no question the country faces a confluence of problems — some caused by the pandemic, others by Brexit — experts said it was far too soon to predict that Britain was headed for the kind of economic malaise and political upheaval that characterized that decade.


"It's a combination of things that could, in principle, lead to that, but are quite survivable on their own," said Jonathan Portes, a professor of economics at Kings College London. "We always talk about the 1970s, but it's half a century later, and all sorts of things are different."


Britain's economy, he noted, has bounced back faster from the pandemic than many experts predicted. The shortages in labor and some goods are likely a transitory effect of reopening much of the economy after prolonged lockdowns. Rising wages and supply bottlenecks are driving up the inflation rate, while the fuel shortages that have closed dozens of gas stations reflect a shortage of truck drivers, not of energy supplies.


Nor does Britain have the aging industrial base and powerful unions it had in the 1970s. Labor unrest led to crippling strikes that brought down a Conservative prime minister, Edward Heath, and one of his Labour Party successors, James Callaghan, after what the tabloids called the winter of discontent, in 1979.


And yet the parallels are suggestive enough that the right-leaning Daily Mail warned that "Britain faces winter of woe" — a chilly welcome for Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he returned from the United States, having celebrated a new submarine alliance and rallied countries in advance of a U.N. climate change conference in Scotland in November.


"That is a very easy ghost to resurrect," said Kim Darroch, a former British ambassador to Washington who now sits in the House of Lords. "But these are real problems. You can just see this perfect storm coming."


桃園城市內的粉紫色秘境 「紫夢狼尾草」夢幻盛開

Cut me dead 千萬不要以為是「把我砍死」
I said "Good morning" but he just cut me dead. Cut someone dead不是砍死某個人,而是「裝做沒看見,完全無視於某人的存在」。Cut在口語中本來就有「切割」的意思,假裝看不見,就是故意切割的延伸意思。
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