Pentagon Pressed to Review How It Judges an Ally’s Will to Fight 五角大廈被迫檢討 如何評斷盟邦鬥志

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2022/07/29 第393期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Pentagon Pressed to Review How It Judges an Ally's Will to Fight 五角大廈被迫檢討 如何評斷盟邦鬥志
Who Stops a 'Bad Guy With a Gun'? 美槍械氾濫 以暴制暴行得通?
Pentagon Pressed to Review How It Judges an Ally's Will to Fight 五角大廈被迫檢討 如何評斷盟邦鬥志
文/Julian E. Barnes

Pentagon Pressed to Review How It Judges an Ally's Will to Fight

五角大廈被迫檢討 如何評斷盟邦鬥志

Congress is poised to force the Pentagon to study how it assesses allies' will to fight, amid criticism from lawmakers that the U.S. government has regularly failed to make such assessments accurately.


A provision approved for inclusion in the Senate version of the annual defense policy bill would mandate a study by the Defense Department of how it judges the willingness of foreign militaries to fight their enemies.


In Afghanistan, some U.S. officials thought the Afghan military could hold together and continue to fight the Taliban after the U.S. withdrawal. In Ukraine, U.S. officials initially forecast that the Russians would take Kyiv, the capital, within a few days. Both predictions were wrong.


While the Pentagon has acknowledged problems with its assessment of Afghanistan's military, it has pushed back against accusations that it misjudged Ukraine. Intelligence officials have said errors in predicting the course of the Russian invasion were more a matter of overestimating the Russians than underestimating the Ukrainians.


Senator Angus King, the Maine independent who pushed for the provision to be included in the annual bill, said that the Pentagon and intelligence agencies had made errors in judging an ally's willingness to fight, but that such assessments are far more difficult, and more subjective, than counting up tanks.


"The Department respectfully rejects the notion that there was any doubt about Ukraine's will to fight," said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Anton Semelroth, a Defense Department spokesperson. "It remains inspiring to see the courage and bravery of the Ukrainian people as they stand up against Russia's unprovoked and brutal invasion."


In a hearing before the Senate Arms Services Committee in May, King argued with Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, over whether the Pentagon had misjudged the capacity of the Ukrainians and the Russian forces rather than the will of the Ukrainian military.


"Intelligence is often shaped by perception of the viewer, of the listener," King said. "And the challenge is for policymakers to have unvarnished, clear intelligence, even though it may contradict their policy preference."


"Long-term commitments such as these, however, can only accomplish so much if beneficiary forces are not willing to stand and fight,"said Army Maj. Rob Lodewick, a Pentagon spokesperson."One needs only to look at the current situation in Ukraine for an example of what an equipped, trained and resilient force is capable of achieving."


Who Stops a 'Bad Guy With a Gun'? 美槍械氾濫 以暴制暴行得通?
文/Larry Buchanan and Lauren Le

美槍械氾濫 以暴制暴行得通?

The lengthy police response to a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and the death of an armed security guard as part of an attack on a Buffalo, New York, supermarket last month have drawn fresh scrutiny to a recurring (and uniquely American) debate: What role should police and bystanders play in active shooter attacks, and what interventions would best stop the violence?


The debate has moved to Capitol Hill as lawmakers consider gun safety legislation that could increase funding for mental health services, school safety and other measures aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people. "What stops armed bad guys is armed good guys," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, suggested in the wake of the Uvalde shooting, echoing many other gun rights advocates over the years.


Researchers who study active shooter events say it can be difficult to draw broad policy conclusions from individual episodes, but a review of data from two decades of such attacks reveals patterns in how they unfold and how hard they are to stop once they have begun.


There were at least 433 active shooter attacks — in which one or more assailants killed or attempted to kill multiple unrelated people in a populated place — in the United States from 2000 to 2021. The country experienced an average of more than one a week in 2021 alone.


The data comes from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University, whose researchers work with the FBI to catalog and examine these attacks. Unlike mass shooting tallies that count a minimum number of people shot or killed, the active attack data includes episodes with fewer casualties, but researchers exclude domestic shootings and gang-related attacks.


Most attacks captured in the data were already over before law enforcement arrived. People at the scene did intervene, sometimes shooting the attackers, but typically physically subduing them. But in about half of all cases, the attackers killed themselves or simply stopped shooting and fled.


"It's direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that 'the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun' is wrong," said Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama, who has studied mass shootings for more than a decade. "It's demonstrably false, because often they are stopping themselves."


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