2023 Box Office Lessons: Audiences Sought Comfort, Skipped Spectacle 天災人禍多 2023年療癒電影打敗超級英雄片

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2024/02/23 第473期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 2023 Box Office Lessons: Audiences Sought Comfort, Skipped Spectacle 天災人禍多 2023年療癒電影打敗超級英雄片
In a Tough Year on Land, Drones Give Ukraine Some Success at Sea 烏克蘭陸戰膠著 但以無人機在海上取得戰果
2023 Box Office Lessons: Audiences Sought Comfort, Skipped Spectacle 天災人禍多 2023年療癒電影打敗超級英雄片
文/Brooks Barnes

天災人禍多 2023年療癒電影打敗超級英雄片

Hollywood's movie factories run on conventional wisdom — entrenched notions, based on experience, about what types of films are likely to pop at the global box office.


This year, audiences turned many of those so-called rules on their heads.


Superheroes have long been seen as the most reliable way to fill seats. But characters like Captain Marvel, the Flash and Ant-Man failed to excite moviegoers. Over the weekend, "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom," which cost more than $200 million to make and tens of millions more to market, arrived to a disastrous $28 million in ticket sales in the United States and Canada. Overseas moviegoers chipped in another $80 million.


In the meantime, the biggest movie of the year at the box office, "Barbie," with $1.44 billion in worldwide ticket sales, was directed by a woman, based on a very female toy and spray-painted pink — ingredients that most studios have long seen as limiting audience appeal. An old movie-industry maxim holds that women will go to a "guy" movie but not vice versa.


"The Super Mario Bros. Movie" collected $1.36 billion, a second-place result that also stunned Hollywood; studios have a troubled history with game adaptations. "Oppenheimer," a three-hour period drama about a physicist, rounded out the top three, taking in $952 million and contradicting the prevailing belief that films for grown-ups are not viable in theaters.


"Without question, change is afoot — audiences are in a different mood," said David A. Gross, a film consultant who publishes a newsletter on box office numbers. "The country and the world are not in the same place. We've had seven years of divisive politics, a severe pandemic, two serious wars, climate change and inflation. Moviegoers seem less interested in being overwhelmed with spectacle and saving the universe than being spoken to, entertained and inspired."


Comscore, which compiles box office data, projected Sunday that North American ticket sales for the year would reach about $9 billion, a 20% increase from 2022.


Worldwide ticket sales are expected to exceed $33 billion, an increase of 27%, partly because of a surge in Latin America.


Hollywood's climb back from the pandemic is expected to stall in 2024. With fewer movies scheduled for release — studio pipelines were disrupted by the recent strikes — ticket sales will decline 5% to 11% next year, according to projections from Gower Street Analytics, a box office research firm.


In a Tough Year on Land, Drones Give Ukraine Some Success at Sea 烏克蘭陸戰膠著 但以無人機在海上取得戰果
文/Andrew E. Kramer

烏克蘭陸戰膠著 但以無人機在海上取得戰果

Bouncing over choppy waters, the Ukrainian sea drones fanned out and sped toward the Russian warship in a swarming tactic that military experts say has proved lethal and effective against what had been a dominant naval power on the Black Sea.


From the safety of a room hundreds of miles away, the drones' pilots pushed forward joysticks to accelerate, steer and swivel deck-mounted cameras, keeping their target in sight. Russian sailors opened fire with heavy machine guns.


A brief sea battle between men and drones erupted over several minutes, according to an account from the Ukrainian drone operators. One drone sped so close to its target, they said, that when bullets struck the 500-pound warhead it was carrying, the explosion breached the hull of the Russian corvette patrol ship, the Sergey Kotov.


"When we hit the target, the whole team, of course, was filled with emotion," said the operator of the drone. The pilot asked to be identified only by a nickname, Thirteen, while describing the battle at sea Sept. 14, one of dozens of such engagements over the past year, according to the Ukrainian military, using drones built by Ukraine.


Such attacks have been a rare bright spot in a disappointing year for Ukraine with no frontline breakthrough on the ground.


"We were screaming and congratulating one another," the pilot said, describing the mood among the drone operators in September.


The use of the sea drones highlights a path forward for Ukraine in its fight with Russia that has been promoted by the White House and embraced by the Ukrainian leadership. The idea is to supplement weaponry provided by Western partners with armaments produced domestically by Ukraine, including innovative systems like the sea drone fleet.


Some in the U.S. military want Ukraine to pursue a "hold-and-build" strategy — to focus on holding the territory it has now and building an ability to produce its own weapons over 2024.


With a Ukrainian offensive now stalled, and little chance for advancing on land, the goal would be to create enough of a credible threat with long-range drones and missiles that there would be an opportunity for meaningful negotiations with Russia at the end of next year or in 2025.


Ukrainian sea drones, said Thirteen, the pilot who helped cripple the Sergey Kotov, have cleared a swath out to 200 or so miles from the Ukrainian coast. "It's possible to push them back," he said. "Russia's reign on the Black Sea is over."


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