Despite Wars, Earthquakes and Hurricanes, U.N. Cuts Appeal for Aid 戰爭、地震和颶風四起 聯合國反降募款目標

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2024/02/09 第471期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Despite Wars, Earthquakes and Hurricanes, U.N. Cuts Appeal for Aid 戰爭、地震和颶風四起 聯合國反降募款目標
Projects for Offshore Wind Stall As Supply and Funding Sputter 供應鏈與資金問題阻停美東風電
Despite Wars, Earthquakes and Hurricanes, U.N. Cuts Appeal for Aid 戰爭、地震和颶風四起 聯合國反降募款目標
文/Nick Cumming-Bruce

戰爭、地震和颶風四起 聯合國反降募款目標

The United Nations has cut its appeal for humanitarian aid in the coming year by nearly 20%, saying that it has to focus on only the most urgent cases, even as the number of people facing conflict and climate emergencies grows sharply.


The move comes as the U.N. has so far received only about a third of the funding requested for this year. Against that backdrop, the organization says it has been forced to focus its appeal for 2024 on aid for those in only the most life-threatening circumstances.


About 300 million people will require urgent humanitarian assistance next year, according to calculations by U.N. agencies and about 1,900 partner organizations. Nonetheless, the U.N. on Monday asked for a total of $46 billion, compared with the $57 billion it sought in 2023.


"It's not because there is no need," Martin Griffiths, the U.N. aid chief, said of the reduced aid request. "The necessary support from the international community is not keeping pace with the needs."


The number of people forced from their homes by conflict or climate emergencies is at record levels for this century, the U.N. said in its appeal. Some 258 million people in 58 countries who are facing armed violence, flooding or severe drought are now acutely short of food, including nearly 14 million children at imminent risk of death.


But despite extreme natural disasters this year, including earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and Cyclone Freddy in Southern Africa, as well as wars in the Gaza Strip, Sudan and Ukraine, countries have failed to donate anywhere near the $57 billion target. Although donations always fall short of the total requested, funding for U.N. aid programs actually dropped in 2023 for the first time in 13 years — through the end of November, they had received a total of $20 billion, $4 billion less than the previous year.


High among priorities for 2024 will be Gaza, where Israel's war with Hamas has displaced most of the enclave's 2.2 million people and destroyed much of its housing and civilian infrastructure.


Fighting in Sudan, where 10 months of war have left 30 million people in need of support, means that country and the Middle East are expected to swallow close to a third of the total aid budget for the coming year.


Projects for Offshore Wind Stall As Supply and Funding Sputter 供應鏈與資金問題阻停美東風電
文/ Ivan Penn, Stanley Reed and


A few years ago, interest in offshore wind energy was so strong that developers proposed spending tens of billions of dollars to plunk hundreds of turbines the size of skyscrapers in the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to Virginia.


But several of those projects have recently hit the skids after executives miscalculated the impact that the pandemic and rising interest rates would have on supply chains. The industry has found it much more difficult to manufacture, transport and erect wind turbines than it had expected. Just two dozen or so turbines have been installed in U.S. waters, compared with more than 6,000 in Europe, which has been building offshore wind farms for decades.


As a result, the cost of offshore wind energy will be higher than anticipated, and its climate and economic benefits will, in some cases, arrive years later than expected.


Some wind farms may be delayed. Others may never be built.


To date, Eastern states have awarded contracts to build roughly two dozen offshore wind farms with 21 gigawatts of electric capacity, or enough to meet the needs of more than 6 million homes. But developers have canceled or asked to renegotiate rates for nearly half that capacity.


Orsted, a Danish company that has built around two dozen offshore wind farms, mostly in Europe, has canceled two giant arrays planned for waters off New Jersey and is reconsidering two more intended to serve New York and Maryland. The company said it would be writing off as much as $5.6 billion. BP, which paid $1.1 billion for a 50% stake in the Norwegian energy company Equinor's U.S. offshore wind portfolio in 2020, recently wrote off $540 million of its investment.


States like New York and Massachusetts are scrambling to save projects — and appear to be acknowledging that they will need to pay higher prices for the electricity generated by offshore turbines than they had expected.


Energy executives say the industry is learning from its mistakes and making investments that should pay off in the coming years. Dominion Energy, a large utility based in Virginia, is moving ahead with a massive wind farm and is spending $625 million on the first U.S.-built ship capable of hauling the more than 300-foot-long blades and other components for wind turbines out to sea.


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