Gardeners of Eden 伊甸園的園丁

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2017/03/21 第290期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Gardeners of Eden  伊甸園的園丁
A group of animal rights activists work to save the African elephant.


  Due to illegal hunting, the ivory trade, and the loss of their natural environment, African elephants are on the edge of extinction. They are the world's largest land animals and an important species that keeps the environment in Africa healthy. But since the international sale of ivory is still so common — it's worth a total of about one billion dollars a year — elephants are in more danger than ever before.
  That's where the people working at Kenya's David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust come in. In the National Geographic Channel's (NGC) first showing of the award-winning film Gardeners of Eden, you can see their experiences on the front line of the fight for the survival of elephants. These dangerous situations include meeting poachers in the wild and rescuing baby elephants whose parents were killed by hunters. Trained experts at the trust raise the baby elephants before returning them to the wild.
  This powerful movie shows the workers struggling to protect the elephants. They have been very successful so far, with 150 young elephant orphans raised by the trust to date. Learn more about the efforts to save this amazing animal by watching Gardeners of Eden this month on NGC.


  由於非法獵捕與象牙貿易猖獗,以及自然環境的喪失,非洲象已瀕臨滅絕。牠們是世界上最大的陸生動物,也是維持非洲生態環境健康的重要物種。但是因為國際象牙貿易仍十分普遍 —— 其總值約每年十億美元 —— 導致大象現在面臨更甚於以往的危險。

  1. ivory n. 象牙(不可數);象牙製品(可數)
    Laurie seemed to be involved in the illegal ivory trade.
  2. on the edge of...  在……的邊緣
    Those two countries were on the edge of war.
    The cats sat on the edge of the window.
  3. be worth sth  價值……
    be worth doing sth  值得(做)……
    Kent has lots of baseball cards, some of which are worth thousands of dollars.
    The university is worth visiting, but I wouldn't waste my time applying to get in there.
  4. rescue vt. 營救,解救
    Luckily, we were able to rescue the deer that was caught in a hunter's trap.
  5. orphan n. 孤兒
    The orphan was brought up by the members of that church.
  6. to date  迄今,到目前為止
    Our company has sold five million books to date.

Eden n. 伊甸園(又作 the Garden of Eden)
activist n. 活動家;積極分子
extinction n. 滅絕;絕跡
poacher n. 盜獵者,偷捕者

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