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2017/06/30 第365期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 墾丁 Kenting
【本月發燒書】 彩圖實境生活英語 Just Say It
【好康情報局】 考前衝刺新日檢書展│全面79折!

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墾丁 Kenting

Ethan: You mentioned that Kenting National Park is near Kaohsiung. Is it very popular among tourists?

Laura: Of course. It is definitely one of the favorite spots among Taiwanese people and foreign tourists.

Ethan: Can you tell me about it?

Laura: Sure. Kenting was formed by the earth's crust movements. After being eroded by wind and sea for so many years, it finally has the various landforms that we see today.

Ethan: What kinds of landforms?

Laura: Mainly small hills, rock formations, and coral reefs!

Ethan: Amazing! So, it is located in the south of Taiwan. I suppose it must be very hot!

Laura: Very hot indeed! It is warm all year round due to the tropical climate.

Ethan: That must make it the perfect place for water sports!

Laura: Right, especially a place called Nanwan Beach. Many people crowd onto the beach every summer to enjoy the sunshine!

Ethan: Wow! I can imagine the busy beach crowded with young people and their surfboards or diving equipment, or simply lying on the beach while getting a tan! But, my parents aren't into water sports.

Laura: Don't worry. There are so many tourist spots in the park, such as the Eluanbi Lighthouse, which is the southernmost lighthouse in Taiwan. They can also take a look at Chuanfan Rock, a rock shaped like a sailboat, and Maobitou, a rock shaped like a crouching cat!

Ethan: Wow, I think they'll be interested! What about dinner? Any good restaurants?

Laura: You can take them to the famous Kenting Street Night Market. There are lots of food stalls and international restaurants and bars on that street.















<< 選自用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語【彩圖三版】 >>
彩圖實境生活英語 Just Say It
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