Wildebeest: Born to Run 牛羚:天生跑者

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2017/06/20 第303期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Wildebeest: Born to Run 牛羚:天生跑者
Audiences can come along on one of the world's greatest migrations.


  Dust and hair fly in the wind while the air shakes with the sound of millions of hooves pounding the ground. Moving together in a giant herd and running over anything in their way are wildebeests. The Great Serengeti Migration, one of the largest animal migrations on the planet, is starting in Africa. This time, a film crew from the National Geographic Channel (NGC) series Born to Run is there to capture every exciting moment. Every year from July through October, more than two million animals migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya in search of food.
  Wildebeest: Born to Run shows what it is like to be part of the herd running for dear life among millions of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes, and gazelles. The show follows a young wildebeest named Neo as he goes on his first migration. Running through rivers and over dusty plains, he fights to stay alive as predators watch and wait for those that fall behind the herd. Don't miss out on the excitement and drama of this migration, and the story of Neo's struggles to survive in the dangerous African wilderness on NGC's Wildebeest: Born to Run.


   塵土和毛髮在風中飛揚,隨著空氣中傳來數百萬蹄腳重踏地面的聲音。如此大批成群移動並踩過任何阻擋在牠們面前東西的是牛羚。塞倫蓋提大遷徙 ── 地球上最大的動物遷徙之一 ── 正在非洲上演。這一次,國家地理頻道《天生跑者》系列節目的攝影團隊前往該地捕捉每一個刺激的時刻。每年的七月至十月,有超過兩百萬隻來自坦尚尼亞塞倫蓋提國家公園的動物遷移到肯亞的馬賽馬拉國家保護區尋找食物。

  1. come along  一起來
    We're going swimming; would you like to come along?
  2. dust n. 塵土;灰塵
    dusty a. 佈滿塵土的;蒙上灰塵的
    As Anna entered the old house, she saw dusty books all over the floor.
  3. pound vt. 腳步聲沉重地走/跑;重擊
    The boxer pounded his opponent again and again.
  4. herd n.(同一種類並一同活動的)獸群
    The herd of buffalo headed toward the river.
  5. capture vt.(用影像等)捕捉
    A student captured the attack with his cellphone.
  6. in search of...  尋找/追求……
    The elderly man spent his whole life in search of fame and wealth.

▼ wildebeest n. 牛羚
migration n.(動物的)遷徙
hoof n. 蹄(複數形為 hooves)
migrate vi. 遷徙
antelope n. 羚羊
gazelle n. 瞪羚
predator n. 掠食動物

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