Mini KTVs: All of the Fun at a Fraction of the Size   迷你 KTV:小空間 大樂趣

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2018/07/03 第357期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mini KTVs: All of the Fun at a Fraction of the Size 迷你 KTV:小空間 大樂趣
These private KTV booths pack in more rhythm per square inch than any club in town.
這些私人 KTV 包廂的每平方英寸中所彌漫的節奏比城裡其他夜店裡的都還要 high。



   Throughout Asia, millions of people enjoy singing their hearts out at their local KTV. Songs are sung, food and drink are enjoyed, and everyone has a great time. Now, there is a new type of KTV that is proving that bigger isn't always better.
  Mini KTVs are about the size of a telephone booth and can be found in shopping
malls around China and South Korea. Users can walk in and not only sing a song, but also record one, or even a whole album. At around US$3 for 15 minutes, the booths are an affordable and fun way to kill some time. The best part is customers can pay with their phones.
  By June of last year, experts estimated that the number of people using mini KTVs had reached over 10 million in China alone. Certain brands of the machines, like Minik, have already
spread to 500 cities. This is great news for people who love to sing but might be shy about being heard by others. It also helps that they can get a semiprofessional recording experience for a fraction of the cost and time. Keep an eye out for this hot new trend at a mall near you.





















  在整個亞洲,數以百萬計的人喜歡在當地的 KTV 裡盡情吶喊飆歌。唱著歌、享受著食物及飲料,每個人都玩得很愉快。而現在有一種新型的 KTV,證明大的並不一定比較好。
  迷你 KTV 的大小接近電話亭,且在中國及南韓的購物中心裡都找得到。使用者走進去後,不僅可以唱首歌,還可錄製一曲,甚至是整張專輯。以每十五分鐘大約三美元的價位來看,使用這些透明小包廂是一種負擔得起又有趣的殺時間方式。最棒的是,消費者還可以用手機來付費。
  截至去年六月,專家估計光是在中國使用迷你 KTV 的人數就已達到一千多萬人次。某些廠牌的機器,像是 Minik,已經拓展至五百座城市。對於喜歡唱歌卻不好意思被別人聽到的人來說,這無疑是個好消息。他們只花少少的費用與時間,就可獲得半專業的錄音體驗,這一點也是個優勢。留意一下你附近商場裡的這種熱門新趨勢吧。


fraction n. 少量,一點兒
booth n.(供一個人打電話或投票等的)小間,小亭


1. pack in sth / pack sth in...  將(大量的信息等)塞進(有限的空間)
= pack into sth / pack sth into...
Our family packed a lot of sightseeing spots into our one-week tour of Hokkaido.

2. rhythm n. 律動;節奏
Although Brian has been playing the drums for five months, he still can't seem to play in rhythm.

3. V + sb's heart out  盡情/全力(做)……
Even though you didn't win the race, you ran your heart out, and that's what really matters.

4. mall n. 商場,購物中心
Ashley ran into her ex with his new girlfriend while she was shopping at the mall.

5. affordable a. 負擔得起的
President Obama signed a bill allowing poorer Americans access to affordable healthcare in 2008.
歐巴馬總統於 2008 年簽署了一項允許窮苦美國人能獲得負擔得起醫療的健保法案。

6. spread vi. & vt. 擴散,蔓延(三態同形)
Firemen tried to control the fire so it wouldn't spread to other buildings.

7. professional a. 專業的,職業的
Alomar became a professional baseball player soon after he graduated from high school.

8. trend n. 趨勢,風潮
David likes to buy new electronic gadgets just to keep up with the latest trends.
* gadget n. 小機器;小玩意兒


本文 "It also helps that they can get a semiprofessional recording experience..." 中的單字 semiprofessional 的字首 semi-,表示「一半;部分;不完全的」,常見的單字有:semiformal(半正式的)、semiconductor(半導體)、semifinal(半決賽 = 準決賽)、semiautomatic(半自動的)……等。讓我們來看看這些單字所搭配的例句吧!

The development of the semiconductor industry has lots of potential in Taiwan.

Venus Williams will be matched against her sister Serena in the women's tennis semifinal next week.

The dress code for tomorrow evening is semiformal. Therefore, you shouldn't wear jeans and a T-shirt.
(明晚的著裝要求是半正式的。因此,你不該穿牛仔褲和 T 恤。)







30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠 「時間在變,熱忱不變」30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠
常有人要我給年輕人建議,其實一句話就能代表take time、take risks、take it seriously,就是「花時間」「敢冒險」和「認真一點、把它當一回事」。


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