Neapolitan: Pizza with a Past   世界文化遺產之頂級美味拿坡里披薩

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2018/07/10 第358期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Neapolitan: Pizza with a Past 世界文化遺產之頂級美味拿坡里披薩
Learn about the rise of one of the world's most popular pizzas.



   As far as pizza goes, it's one of the most popular kinds of all time. But when you go for a slice, do you know the history behind your pie? Get to know a little about this fan favorite—Neapolitan.
   Neapolitan pizza gets its name from the Italian city it was born in: Naples. The
ingredients are pretty basic. Take some pizza dough, tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, and olive oil, and you've got yourself a pie. But the real secret is in the sauce. In order for a Neapolitan to be truly authentic, there should be more sauce than cheese. This means the middle can become kind of soft and wet, making Neapolitan pizzas difficult to serve by the slice. Maybe that's why they're usually served smaller than other pizza pies, maxing out at around 10 to 12 inches.
   Neapolitan pizzas, like all pizzas,
owe their existence to European flatbread. In Naples, farmers began topping their bread with tomatoes in the 18th century. It wasn't until 1889 that baker Raffaele Esposito first made the classic Neapolitan style pizza, the Margherita. He named it for the queen, and gave it the colors of the Italian flag, with red tomatoes, white cheese, and green basil.













   就披薩來說,它是有史以來最熱門的種類之一。但是當你選擇了這片披薩時,你知道它背後的歷史嗎?讓我們來了解一下披薩控的最愛 —— 拿坡里。
   就像所有的披薩一樣,拿坡里披薩的出現要歸功於歐式扁麵包。在拿坡里,十八世紀的農夫們開始在他們的麵包上放上番茄。直到 1889 年烘焙師拉斐爾•埃斯波西托才做出第一個經典的拿坡里風味披薩 —— 瑪格麗特披薩。他以女王的名字為披薩命名,並且用紅色的番茄、白色的起司和綠色的羅勒賦予它義大利國旗的三種顏色。


dough n.(做麵包、糕點等用的)生/濕麵團
mozzarella n. 莫扎瑞拉起司,乳花奶酪(一種白色的義大利奶酪,常用於做披薩餅)
basil n. 羅勒(一種味濃的香草,用於烹調)
authentic a. 正宗的,原汁原味的
flatbread n. 扁麵包(扁平麵包的總稱)


1. as far as sth goes  就某事/物而言
As far as personality goes, Rachel has nothing in common with her twin sister.

2. ingredient n.(烹調用的)材料
Eggs can be a meal by themselves or are often used as an ingredient to make other foods.

3. sauce n. 醬料,調味汁
Would you like some ketchup or other sauce to go along with your fries?

4. max out (sth)  達到最大限度;用盡(某物的額度)
Liam's car maxes out at about 105 miles an hour.
Charlie shopped too much and ended up maxing out his credit card on Christmas sales.

5. owe sth to...  把某事歸功於……;有某物是由於……
Erica owes the success of her new album to her most devoted fans.
* devoted a. 忠實的,忠誠的

6. existence n. 存在
Some people don't believe in any sort of life after death, while others believe in the existence of spirits.

7. top A with B  在 A 食物上面蓋一層 B
Holly likes to top her sundae with crushed pecans and roasted almonds.
* pecan n. 美國山核桃(屬胡桃科)

8. flag n. 國旗;旗幟
The stars on the American flag stand for the 50 states.


go for 的用法
本文 "But when you go for a slice, do you know the history behind your pie?" 中的片語 go for... 表「選擇……」,不過它另外還有「爭取贏得……」的意思;而口語 I could / would go for sth 則表示「我(想)要某物」。例:

Since black cellphones are out of stock, I'll go for a white one instead.

Lucas seems to have no interest in going for the position of vice president.

I could go for a really good cup of coffee right now.







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