The Extraordinary Life of Dr. James Barry 英國花木蘭的傳奇一生

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2018/07/24 第374期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Extraordinary Life of Dr. James Barry  英國花木蘭的傳奇一生
by Ivy Liu

The identity of James Barry was hidden away by the military for almost a hundred years.



  It would be laughable to say the world at large provides equal opportunities to everyone. It was only until recently that women were barred from higher education, the professional workforce, the military, and countless other areas of society. __1__ It is little wonder then that historically, a number of women assumed male identities and appearances to pursue lives outside of the home. __2__
  Barry was a renowned army surgeon who performed one of the first successful caesarean sections and fought for medical reforms to better sanitary standards. __3__ Born as Margaret Bulkley in Ireland, her intelligence and ambitions were evident as a child. __4__ After graduating at 22, he began his career in the military and was posted in various parts of the British Empire. Though Barry had a hot temper and often challenged people to duels, he was known for having excellent bedside manners and treated all patients, no matter their class. With his skills, he eventually climbed the ranks to become the Inspector General of military hospitals, the second highest medical rank in the British armed services.
  Barry's life was extraordinary, not only because he fooled the school, the military, and hospitals, but also for having become a doctor 50 years before women were even allowed to study at universities. __5__ A feature film based on his life starring Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz is set to be made in the near future.
(A) Thus, at 18, Bulkley adopted her late uncle's name and enrolled in the University of Edinburgh's medical school.
(B) In fact, Saudi Arabia only agreed to let women drive in September of last year.
(C) Against all odds, Barry stopped at nothing to achieve his dreams.
(D) When he died in 1865, it was discovered that he was actually a woman who had been living as a man for nearly 60 years.
(E) What's even worse, Margaret's father was imprisoned, leaving the family with no income.
(F) Joan of Arc and Hua Mulan are two names that come to mind, but a fascinating figure that gets less attention is Dr. James Barry.
***Note: Because it is unclear what Barry identified as, the author has chosen to use the pronoun he when referring to Barry as he lived the majority of his life as a man instead of a woman.


1. 第一題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "It was only until recently that women were barred from higher education, the professional workforce, the military, and countless other areas of society."(直到最近,女性才能接受高等教育、成為專業的勞動人口,以及進入軍隊和無數個社會上的其他領域。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "In fact, Saudi Arabia only agreed to let women drive in September of last year."(事實上,沙烏地阿拉伯一直到去年九月才准許女性開車。),前一句提及女性在各個領域的地位在近期才獲得改善,而 (B) 項句子進一步舉例說明,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

agree to V  同意從事……
Tom finally agreed to go to the movies with us.

2. 第二題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "It is little wonder then that historically, a number of women assumed male identities and appearances to pursue lives outside of the home."(這也難怪歷史上有不少女性假扮成男性的身分與外表,在家鄉之外的地方追求新生活。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "Joan of Arc and Hua Mulan are two names that come to mind, but a fascinating figure that gets less attention is Dr. James Barry."(聖女貞德和花木蘭這兩個名字肯定會浮上心頭,但另一位受到較少關注卻同樣出色的人物則是詹姆斯•貝瑞醫生。),前一句提及歷史上有不少女性假扮成男性,而 (F) 項句子以聖女貞德、花木蘭及詹姆斯•貝瑞醫生為例,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

come to mind  (突然)想到

3. 第三題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Barry was a renowned army surgeon who performed one of the first successful caesarean sections..."(貝瑞是一位有名的軍醫,他成功執行最早期的其中一場剖腹產手術……),而 (D) 項句子提及 "When he died in 1865, it was discovered that..."(直到他於 1865 年逝世,才被發現……),(D) 項句子的代名詞 he 指的即是前一句的 Barry(貝瑞),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

4. 第四題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Born as Margaret Bulkley in Ireland, her intelligence and ambitions were evident as a child."(她以瑪格麗特•柏克禮之名於愛爾蘭出生,其智慧與野心在還是孩子的時候就顯露無遺。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "Thus, at 18, Bulkley adopted her late uncle's name..."(因此,柏克禮十八歲時就用了她已故叔叔的名字……),前後兩句皆提及 Bulkley(柏克禮),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. adopt vt. 採用
We will adopt a new marketing plan at the beginning of the next quarter.
b. enroll in...  註冊/登記上(學校、課程)
About 100 students enrolled in Professor Johnson's writing course this semester.

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Barry's life was extraordinary... but also for having become a doctor 50 years before women were even allowed to study at universities."(貝瑞的一生相當傳奇……更是因為他在女性可以進入大學就讀的五十年以前就當上醫生。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "Against all odds, Barry stopped at nothing to achieve his dreams."(貝瑞克服重重困難,竭盡全力地完成他的夢想。),(C) 項句子的 Barry stopped at nothing to achieve his dreams(貝瑞竭盡全力地完成他的夢想)指的即是前一句的 become a doctor 50 years before women were even allowed to study at universities(在女性可以進入大學就讀的五十年以前就當上醫生),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. against all odds  克服重重困難
odds n. 困難;機會,可能性(恆為複數)
Against all odds, the once paralyzed man walked again.
*paralyzed a. 癱瘓的
b. stop at nothing to V  任何事都阻擋不了(某人)做……

laughable a. 可笑的;好笑的
caesarean section  剖腹產(又稱 C-section)
 caesarean n. 剖腹產手術
 section n. 切開(醫學術語)
post vt. 使駐守
duel n. 決鬥
a bedside manner  醫生對待病人的態度
 bedside n.(尤指病人的)床邊
inspector n. 督察;檢查員;探員

1. be barred from N/V-ing  被禁止做……
: be banned from N/V-ing
Sam was barred from the pub after he got into a fight with the security guard.

2. have a hot temper  脾氣暴躁
Ralph has a hot temper and is likely to use foul language.
*foul language  粗話,髒話

3. challenge sb to V / N  向某人挑戰(做)……
The gambler challenged the old man to a game of poker.
*gambler n. 賭客

4. be set to V  準備好(做)……
We were all set to have fun at the amusement park, but then a storm came and ruined everything.

1. extraordinary a. 非凡的
With his extraordinary talent, Matt left his mark on modern dance.

2. identity n. 身分;認同
: identify vt. 辨認,辨識
identify A as B  確認 A 為 B
The identity of the murderer is not known yet at this point.
A witness identified the man in green as the shooter.

3. workforce n. 勞動力

4. historically adv. 歷史上
Philadelphia is a historically important city as well as a rather interesting one.

5. assume vt. 假扮;假定,假設;承擔
: assume responsibility for...  負起……的責任
The assistant engineer assumed responsibility for the project when the engineer was away.

6. surgeon n. 外科醫生
That surgeon operated on the weak patient.
*operate on sb  對某人動手術

7. reform n. & vt. 改革
Government officials have adopted a program to start economic reforms.
Martin Luther worked tirelessly to reform the church.
*tirelessly adv. 不厭倦地

8. sanitary a. 衛生的;清潔的

9. intelligence n. 智力;情報
Tara made use of her intelligence and creativity to help her company develop new products.

10. evident a. 明顯的
: It is evident + that 子句  ……是顯而易見的
It is evident that Greg isn't cut out for the job.
*be cut out for...  能勝任……

11. star vt. 由……主演 & vi. 主演
This film stars Tom Cruise as a repairman.
Jason has starred in over 30 movies.




  貝瑞是一位有名的軍醫,他成功執行最早期的其中一場剖腹產手術,並且為了達到更好的衛生標準而爭取醫療改革。直到他於 1865 年逝世,才被發現他其實是一名以男性身分生活了將近六十年的女性。她以瑪格麗特•柏克禮之名於愛爾蘭出生,其智慧與野心在還是孩子的時候就顯露無遺。因此,柏克禮十八歲時就用了她已故叔叔的名字進入愛丁堡大學醫學院就讀。他二十二歲畢業後便開始在軍隊的職涯,並駐紮於大英帝國的許多地方。儘管貝瑞脾氣暴躁且常常找人單挑,他仍以對待病人的良好態度和不分階級救治所有病人而聞名。他憑藉著自身技術,階級一路攀升直到最終當上軍醫檢察長,這是英國軍中第二高的醫療位階。
答案: 1. B  2. F  3. D  4. A  5.C







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