The Louvre is on the Move   沙漠藝術之旅 ── 阿布達比羅浮宮

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2018/07/24 第360期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Louvre is on the Move 沙漠藝術之旅 ── 阿布達比羅浮宮
Abu Dhabi takes steps to improve its public image in the art world.



   Most people familiar with art know of the Louvre Museum in Paris. But even the most loyal art lover might not yet know that the Louvre has opened a second branch. No, it's not in Rome, New York City, or any of the other art capitals of the world. This one is located on an island in the Persian Gulf in Abu Dhabi's Cultural District.
   The Louvre Abu Dhabi
represents the first overseas expansion of this historic museum. The United Arab Emirates paid US$464 million for the honor. All that investment resulted in an impressive display. The building features a roof that appears to float in the sky, with connecting patterns of shapes that let in natural sunlight. Inside the building are the stars of the museum—the works of masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, and Piet Mondrian hang from the walls.
   Experts say the museum is the kingdom's way of upgrading its international image. Its doors finally opened in November of last year. People from all over the region now have an opportunity to appreciate one of the finest museums in the world.




















gulf n. 海灣


1. take steps to V  採取措施(做……)
The new manager has taken steps to make sure people come in on time.

2. loyal a. 忠實的,忠貞的
Hans was a loyal customer of that clothing brand for years but not anymore.

3. cultural a. 文化的
My parents come from different cultural backgrounds, so I grew up with a mix of traditions.

4. district n. 地區,區域
The business district is located in the center of the city.

5. represent vt. 代表
Turtles represent good luck and longevity in Chinese culture.
* longevity n. 長壽;壽命

6. expansion n. 擴張
Our principal made an announcement about the gym being closed for expansion.

7. honor n. 殊榮,榮譽
Brook always competed with Eric for the honor of being the best student.

8. investment n. 投資
Eileen is going to buy some gold as an investment.


片語 let in 的相關用法
本文 "The building features a roof that appears to float in the sky, with connecting patterns of shapes that let in natural sunlight." 中的片語 let in 表「讓……進來」,常見的相關片語還有 let...down,表「使失望,辜負(別人的信任或期望)」和 let out sth / let sth out,表「突然發出(巨大的聲響)」。例:

Open the window and let in some air, will you? It's so hot in here.

Phil always lets me down when I need him the most.

All of a sudden, Andrea let out a scream when she saw a cockroach.








30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠 「時間在變,熱忱不變」30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠
「川」流不「習」 貿易戰滿漢全席?


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