The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman — The Fight for Peace 摩根.費里曼之人類的故事:為和平而戰

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2018/07/10 第372期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman — The Fight for Peace  摩根.費里曼之人類的故事:為和平而戰
by Evan Witkowski

The fight for peace brings acclaimed actor Morgan Freeman around the world in search of answers.



  Throughout our history, human beings have had to fight for survival. Wars over resources, land, or for revenge have caused uncountable tragedies to occur. While most would hope for a peaceful world, such violence forces us to ask, what is it that drives humans to fight each other? To find out the answers to one of life's oldest questions, National Geographic's The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman—The Fight for Peace sent the show's famous host to a handful of international locations to talk to people about why they are fighting.
  Although the idea of fighting for peace seems like a contradiction, many places are searching for a way out of the cycle of violence. Among his many stops, Freeman
investigates the ritualized combat practiced by tribes in Bolivia during the Tinku Festival. Their fighting is more like a dance or boxing match than actual violence, but it is rooted in the idea of sacrifice to a higher power through the release of anger and frustration. In that way, they are able to maintain a lasting peace between communities.
  A more
complicated example of human violence highlighted by the show takes Freeman to the country of Ethiopia, where harsh survival conditions lead to conflict over food, water, and livestock. The decades of fighting between Daasanach and Nyangatom tribes in Ethiopia is reinforced from generation to generation because it is seen as the only way to protect families and community standards that are threatened by bloodthirsty revenge. Deadly rivalries are common, and warriors are honored members of the tribe. How could this kind of lifestyle be pacified? Explore the possibilities and watch The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman—The Fight for Peace on National Geographic to find out.


contradiction n. 矛盾
: a contradiction between A and B  A 和 B 之間的矛盾
ritualized a. 儀式的
a higher power  更高等的(超自然)力量
community n. 群體;社區
livestock n. 家畜(集合名詞,不可數)
reinforce vt. 加強,強化
: reinforcement n. 援軍,增援部隊(恆用複數);加強(不可數)
bloodthirsty a. 嗜血的;殘忍的
rivalry n. 競爭,對抗
pacify vt. 使平靜;平息;安撫

1. in search of...  尋找……
: search for...
Sarah roamed around the neighborhood in search of her lost puppy.
*roam vi. 閒逛,漫遊

2. force sb to V  迫使/強迫某人(做)……
Don't force me to do anything I don't want to do.

3. a handful of...  少數……;一把……
handful n. 少數,少量;一把
This job doesn't require many people; a handful of workers could handle it.
A handful of soil is all one needs to properly grow this type of plant.

4. be rooted in...  根植於/源自於……
That city's traffic problems are rooted in poor planning and overpopulation.
*overpopulation n. 人口過剩

1. acclaimed a. 受到讚揚的
: acclaim vt. 稱讚
Andy's latest album was an acclaimed masterpiece.
The writer's work has been acclaimed as the best of its genre.
*genre n.(文學、音樂等的)類型

2. revenge n. 報仇
: take revenge on sb  對某人報仇
Jim decided to take revenge on the person who insulted him.

3. tragedy n. 悲劇;災難

4. violence n. 暴力
: violent a. 暴力的
Nowadays, children are exposed to too much TV violence.
When Kent gets drunk, he becomes violent.

5. investigate vt. 研究;調查
: look into...
The criminal case is being investigated by a famous detective.
*detective n. 警探,刑警

6. combat n. 格鬥,鬥爭 & vt. 抵抗;與……戰鬥
The leaders of the two countries were exhausted after eight years of fierce combat.
*exhausted a. 精疲力竭的,疲憊不堪的
The government took effective measures to combat crimes in the city.
*measure n. 措施,辦法

7. practice vt. 實行,奉行 & n. 實踐;慣例
: in practice  實際上
= in reality
Everyone should practice their right to vote.
Your idea sounds good in theory, but I doubt it will work in practice.

8. sacrifice n. & vt. 犧牲
: at the sacrifice of...  犧牲……
Jasmine became a mother at the sacrifice of her career.
The bodyguard sacrificed his life to save the president.

9. frustration n. 挫敗,沮喪
Unhappy children often act out their frustrations in the classroom.

10. complicated a. 複雜的
Sally solved the complicated math problem with ease.

11. highlight vt. 使凸顯,強調 & n. 最精彩之處
The test results highlighted the students' strengths and weaknesses.
The highlight of the game was when Sam hit a homerun.

12. harsh a. 嚴酷的,惡劣的
No matter how harsh life gets, I never give up hope.

13. conflict n. 衝突;牴觸

14. threaten vt. 威脅,危害
Staying up late will threaten your health.










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