Eye-Rolling Across Time and Cultures 輕蔑或熱情?你所不知的翻白眼

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2020/02/04 第447期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Eye-Rolling Across Time and Cultures  輕蔑或熱情?你所不知的翻白眼
by Ivy Liu


  Eye-rolling is a facial expression that anyone can make, but it is most masterfully used by teenage girls. Being on the receiving end of a dagger-like stare followed by a rolling of the eyes __1__ enough to trigger a fight-or-flight response in anyone. In many cases, it is used as a passive aggressive response to show disapproval and contempt, whether intentional or not. So, while teenage boys tend to __2__ verbal assaults and fists in tense situations, girls display their aggression in a more subtle way by rolling their eyes skyward. Some evolutionary theories suggest that this sort of indirect aggression is a method for women to assert dominance in a low-risk way.
  Psychologist John Gottman has also pointed out that eye-rolling is one of the sure signs that a relationship is __3__, since it is associated with contempt. Other indicators include stonewalling, defensiveness, and criticism. There are other references that suggest the negative association with rolling one’s eyes is only a thing of the recent past. In fact, eye-rolling in the works of Shakespeare and other __4__ works was associated with passion and flirtation, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. However, in the 1989 book Human Ethology by Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, it is noted that cultures around the world all have a __5__ to look away in their gestures of rejection. Whatever its past meanings, today eye-rolling is considered a dismissive form of communication and a bad habit that should be unlearned.
1. (A) is  (B) are  (C) being  (D) to be
2. (A) occur to  (B) apply to  (C) cater to  (D) resort to
3. (A) on the cards  (B) on the rocks  (C) off the hook  (D) off the record
4. (A) political  (B) literary  (C) financial  (D) military
5. (A) direction  (B) movement  (C) tendency  (D) structure

eye-rolling  翻白眼
a facial expression  臉部表情
masterfully adv. 巧妙地,技巧高明地
dagger n. 匕首,短劍
fight-or-flight  戰鬥或逃跑(指面對危險時的反應,要不是留下應對,就是逃走迴避)
evolutionary a. 演化的
dominance n. 主導(地位)
psychologist n. 心理學家
indicator n. 指標
stonewall vi.(以拒絕回答問題或阻止他人發表意見等方式)阻礙(討論)(本文為動名詞用法)
flirtation n. 調情
ethology n. 動物行為學
dismissive a. 輕蔑的
unlearn vt. 設法忘記(已學會的事)

1. Being on the receiving end of a dagger-like stare followed by a rolling of the eyes is enough to trigger a fight-or-flight response in anyone.
a. 本題測試動名詞(片語)作主詞時的用法:
Collecting stamps is one of Jenny’s hobbies.
b. 本句主詞為 Being on the receiving end of a dagger-like stare followed by a rolling of the eyes(被像利刃一樣的眼神瞪、之後又被翻了一個白眼),可知空格應置入單數動詞 is,故 (A) 項應為正選。

2. So, while teenage boys tend to resort to verbal assaults and fists in tense situations, girls display their aggression in a more subtle way by rolling their eyes skyward.
a. (A) occur to sb  某人突然想起
• A good idea occurred to me as I was about to give up on the plan.
(B) apply to...  向……提出申請;適用於……
• Keith didn’t apply to that university because it’s too expensive.
(C) cater to...  迎合……
• The hotel caters to people that want to go on vacation with their pets.
(D) resort to N/V-ing  訴諸於……
• Some companies have even resorted to piracy in order to make money.
b. 根據語意,青少男傾向在情勢緊張的情況中「訴諸」言語攻擊和拳頭,故 (D) 項應為正選。

3. Psychologist John Gottman has also pointed out that eye-rolling is one of the sure signs that a relationship is on the rocks, since it is associated with contempt.
a. (A) on the cards  很有可能發生
• It is on the cards that I will go on a business trip to Japan next month.
(B) on the rocks  (感情)觸礁,陷入麻煩
• I think Mary and John may get a divorce. Their marriage has been on the rocks for years.
(C) off the hook  脫離困境/危險
• Danny is off the hook because his alibi checked out.
*alibi n. 不在場證明
(D) off the record  不公開的;不列入紀錄的
• Don’t publish what I say today─it’s off the record.
不要刊登我今天說的話 ── 這是不公開的。
b. 根據語意,因為翻白眼與輕蔑有關,因此是一段感情「觸礁」的肯定跡象之一,故 (B) 項應為正選。

4. In fact, eye-rolling in the works of Shakespeare and other literary works was associated with passion and flirtation, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.
a. (A) political a. 政治(上)的
• The political leader of that country was accused of being involved in a scandal.
(B) literary a. 文學的
• The accomplished writer’s latest novel won several literary awards.
(C) financial a. 財務的;金融的
• Wall Street is considered to be the financial center of the US.
(D) military a. 軍事的
• After finishing his military service, Andy went job hunting.
b. 根據語意,在莎士比亞的作品和其他「文學」作品中,翻白眼與熱情和調情有關,故 (B) 項應為正選。

5. However, in the 1989 book Human Ethology by Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, it is noted that cultures around the world all have a tendency to look away in their gestures of rejection.
a. (A) direction n. 方向;指示
• The boy ran away in that direction.
(B) movement n.(政治、社會)運動;動作
• The civil rights movement brought about many changes in the US.
(C) tendency n. 傾向
have a tendency to V  有……的傾向
• When the old man talks, he has a tendency to get lost in details.
(D) structure n. 結構;建築物
• The structure of the poem is very complicated.
b. 根據語意,世界各地的文化都有別開視線以表示拒絕的「傾向」,且符合 “have a tendency to V” 的用法,故 (C) 項應為正選。

1. whether... or not  不論是否……
• Whether Judy goes to New York or not depends on her schedule.

2. point out... / point... out  指出……
• The new manager pointed out that our efficiency could be improved.

3. be associated with...  與……有關聯
• The English countryside is associated with magnificent gardens.

4. look away (from...)  
• How can you look away and not offer any help to that kid being bullied?

1. trigger vt. 引起,觸發
• The mayor’s speech triggered a riot among the crowd.

2. aggressive a. 具攻擊/侵略性的;好勝心強的
 aggression n. 攻擊(行為);侵略
• Japan was very aggressive in the early part of the 20th century.
• Television violence can encourage aggression in children.

3. disapproval n. 不贊同,反對
• People often interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval.

4. contempt n. 輕蔑
• The father stared at his daughter’s boyfriend with contempt in his eyes.

5. intentional a. 有意的;蓄意的
• Jenny did trip David, but it wasn’t intentional.

6. verbal a. 口頭的
• I think we need a written contract, not a verbal one.

7. assault n. 攻擊
• The criminal committed an assault on the owner of the store during the robbery.

8. subtle a. 細微的,難以覺察的
• These two pictures may look alike, but there are subtle differences between them.

9. suggest vt. 顯示;暗示
• All the evidence suggests (that) the suspect is guilty of murder.

10. assert vt. 聲張;聲稱
• The aim of this demonstration is to assert the will of the people.

11. reference n. 參考;提及
• There are several references to the author’s friends in her new novel.

12. association n. 關係(之後與介詞 with 並用)
• Our school maintains a close association with a college in the US.

13. gesture n.(肢體)動作;表態
• I offered to reduce the price as a gesture of goodwill.

14. communication n. 溝通
• Our misunderstandings arose from a lack of communication.

skyward adv.
朝向天空(= skywards)& a. 朝向天空的
• We all looked skyward(s) when a jet flew by.
字尾 -ward 或 -wards 有「向/往/朝……(地方、方向)」的意思,主要加在表地點和方位的介詞、形容詞或名詞之後;所構成的詞中,用字尾 -ward 的可作形容詞和副詞,以 -wards 結尾的則僅作副詞,以下介紹字尾為 -ward 或 -wards 的常見字:
a. 介詞 / 形容詞 + -ward(s)
upward a. 向上的 & adv. 向上地(= upwards)
downward a. 向下(的)& adv. 向下地(= downwards)
onward a. 向前的 & adv. 向前(= onwards)
forward a. 向前的 & adv. 向前(= forwards)
backward a. 向後的 & adv. 向後(= backwards)
inward a. 向內的 & adv. 向內(= inwards)
outward a. 向外的 & adv. 向外(= outwards)
afterward(s) adv. 之後,後來(不管加不加 s 都只作副詞)
b. 名詞 + -ward(s)
eastward a. 向東的 & adv. 向東(= eastwards)
westward a. 向西的 & adv. 向西(= westwards)
southward a. 向南的 & adv. 向南(= southwards)
northward a. 向北的 & adv. 向北(= northwards)


  心理學家約翰•高特曼也指出,翻白眼是一段感情觸礁的肯定跡象之一,因為其與輕蔑有關。其他指標包含築牆、防衛和批評。還有其他來源表示,對翻白眼的負面連結只是近期的事。實際上,根據牛津英文字典,在莎士比亞的作品和其他文學作品中,翻白眼與熱情和調情有關。不過,艾倫紐斯•艾比斯菲德於 1989 年出版的書籍《人類行為學》指出,世界各地的文化都有別開視線以表示拒絕的傾向。不管翻白眼在過去的意思是什麼,如今它被視為輕蔑的溝通形式及應該被屏棄的壞習慣。
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C



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