FaceApp: Harmless Fun or Security Risk? 變臉應用程式:是無傷大雅的樂子還是安全風險?

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2020/02/04 第436期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

FaceApp: Harmless Fun or Security Risk? 變臉應用程式:是無傷大雅的樂子還是安全風險?
FaceApp is a popular photo app used to make changes to selfiess, but what is really being done with the photos?
FaceApp 是一款用來修自拍照的高人氣照片應用程式,但修圖到底修了什麼?


  FaceApp is a photo filtering app that uses artificial intelligence to make realistic changes to photos, usually selfies. The app first became popular in 2017, when it peaked at around 80 million users. In 2019, its popularity jumped again when the FaceApp Challenge became popular. Public figures uploaded photos using the app’s aging filter. It was fun to see how some of the world’s most recognizable people might look when they become old.
  Other filters on the app include ones that change hairstyles, add facial hair, or put on accessories like glasses. There are even filters that can change the sex of a person in a selfie and make it look extremely real.
  FaceApp has had some shady features. A beauty filter on it made people more attractive by lightening the skin of people with naturally dark skin. The app also released ethnic filters that allowed people to change their photos so they looked white, black, Asian, or Indian. All these features were quickly shut down after wide-scale protest, but these were only the beginning of FaceApp’s problems.


1. harmless a. 無害的;無惡意的
The joke was harmless. Don’t take it seriously.
2. realistic a. 逼真的,栩栩如生的
The special effects in this science fiction movie were so realistic.
* science fiction n. 科幻小說
3. peak vi. 達到頂峰,達到最大值
Official figures show that unemployment peaked in September.
* unemployment n. 失業(率)
4. upload vt.(將電腦資料)上傳
It takes a while to upload images to my blog.
5. recognizable a. 可辨認的,認得出的
The singer’s red cap makes him easily recognizable.
6. shady a. 引起爭議的;不正當的
Morgan was involved in shady deals in the past.
7. lighten vt. 使變淡;使明亮
The sun always lightens Judy’s hair.
8. scale n. 規模,程度
on a small / large scale  小/大規模地
The policy will influence the life of most citizens on a large scale.

selfie n. 自拍照
filter vt. 過濾 & n. 過濾器,濾網
artificial intelligence n. 人工智慧
accessory n. 配件
ethnic a. 種族的 & n. 少數民族的一員

  FaceApp 是一款照片濾鏡應用程式,使用人工智慧為照片做出逼真的修圖,且通常是修自拍照。這款應用程式首次變得受到歡迎是在 2017 年,當時它的使用者達到約八千萬人的高峰。2019 年,「變臉挑戰」變流行時,它的人氣也再度高漲。公眾人物上傳了套用此程式中變老濾鏡的照片。看全球一些最知名的人老後可能會變成什麼樣子很有趣。
  不過 FaceApp 也有一些受到爭議的功能。它裡面曾有一種美顏濾鏡能把天生膚色較深的人變得比較白皙,讓人們變得更有吸引力。該程式也推出過「種族濾鏡」,讓人們得以修改照片好讓自己看起來像白人、黑人、亞洲人或印度人。所有這些功能在引發大規模的抗議之後很快就被停用了,但那只是 FaceApp 問題的開端。

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