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2020/05/15 第512期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 疫苗、感冒、領藥英文
【英語學習Plus】 護士的由來
【本月發燒書】 關鍵英單7000字(2)2201~4400【四版】
【好康情報局】 ★不用出國,在家也能練出好英文★FUN學美國英語書展,買參展套書再加贈超實用生活口語口袋書 《OMG!超好用生活英語萬用句(50K)》

flu/influenza (n.) 流感
vaccination (n.) 疫苗;預防針
antigen (n.) 抗原
prescription (n.) 處方簽
pharmacy (n.) 藥局
pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師
referral (n.) 轉診
immune (adj.) 免疫的

→ You can get another prescription.
→ You can get some pain medication anytime you want it.
→ You can get a test to see if you are immune to hepatitis B.
→ You can get a referral to a physical therapist.
→ The pharmacy is in the basement.
→ I need to get a vaccination.
→ I think I must have flu.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「疫苗、感冒、領藥英文」

護士的由來 The Origin of Nurses

Doctors have helped sick and injured patients for thousands of years. They have also had assistants. Those were the first nurses. However, those nurses had very little formal training. Most of them belonged to religious institutions and were monks or nuns. Modern nursing did not begin until the nineteenth century. During that time, war began to change. Because of modern weapons, large numbers of soldiers were wounded. These men often had no one to help them get better. Women such as Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton started taking care of those injured soldiers. They were the first modern nurses.

As medical knowledge improved, nurses learned as well. They became able to take care of their patients better than ever. That allowed them to nurse their patients back to good health. In fact, that is why they are called nurses: because they nurse, or take care of, their patients and help them get better.

醫生救急扶傷已有幾千年的歷史了,他們的助手即是最初的護士。然而,這些護士缺乏正式訓練,他們大多屬於宗教機構的僧侶和修女。直到19 世紀才開始出現近代護理學,在這段時期,戰爭開始改變。由於現代武器的使用,大量的士兵傷痕累累,卻沒有人可以幫助他們改善病狀。佛羅倫斯.南丁格爾和克拉拉.巴頓等女性開始照顧這些受傷的士兵,她們是最初的現代護士。


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