The Big Apple Has a Big Heart 我愛紐約 紅遍全球!

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2020/05/26 第452期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Big Apple Has a Big Heart 我愛紐約 紅遍全球!
A truly timeless logo helped New York City in hard times.



  Packed with shiny skyscrapers, New York City is one of the biggest and wealthiest cities in the world. It’s also now one of the safest large cities in the US, but this wasn’t always the case. Back in the 1970s, New York City suffered from a high crime rate. To make matters worse, the city government was running out of funds at that time, so it couldn’t even hire new police officers.
  City leaders needed to act fast. How could they bring visitors and money back to New York? They decided to hire a well-known graphic designer to create a new logo to help market the city. The logo he came up with was “I ♥ NY,” and it has proven to be a huge success.
  After the city government rolled out the “I Love New York” ad campaign in 1977, which included the logo and a famous song, New York’s image recovered along with tourism and investment. New York is now a thriving city once again, and the “I ♥ NY” logo surely helped. The logo has appeared on shirts, cups, hats, posters, and many other things. Over the years, it has become perhaps the most well-known city logo in the world.


1. be packed with...  充滿/擠滿……
During holidays, the train station is always packed with people.
2. wealthy a. 富裕的,富有的
The wealthy man has a house downtown as well as one in the suburbs.
3. suffer from...  蒙受……(困難、疾病、痛苦等)
Everyone suffered from a shortage of food during the war.
* shortage n. 短缺
4. fund n. 資金;基金
Andrew set up a trust fund for his children in case anything happens to him.
5. roll out... / roll...out  在市場上推出……
The company plans to roll out a new sports car next year.
6. campaign n. (尤指政治、商業或軍事的)專門活動,運動
The mayor was re-elected thanks to a successful campaign.
7. recover vi. 恢復
It took Tim several years to recover from his serious illness.
8. thriving a. 繁榮興盛的
Hawaii has a thriving tourist industry.

skyscraper n. 摩天大樓
graphic designer n. 平面設計師
 graphic a. 平面設計的;圖像的
investment n. 投資

to make matters worse
1. matter 指「事情;問題」,to make matters worse 表「更糟的是」,用來帶出比前面更不好的訊息或情況,使用時後面加逗號,再接主要子句。類似用語尚有 what’s (even) worse、even worse、worse still 及 worse yet。
Stan lost his job today. To make matters worse, someone stole his wallet.
Mandy got lost. What’s worse, she has no money on her.
2. 與前述相反的片語為「更棒的是」,相關用語有 what’s (even) better、even better 及 better yet。
The dress looks great on you. What’s even better, it’s on sale.
Peter can sing. Better yet, he can dance.

我愛紐約 紅遍全球!

  滿布輝煌摩天大樓的紐約市為世上最大也最富有的城市之一。它如今也是美國最安全的大城之一,但情況並非一直如此。紐約市早在 1970 年代飽受犯罪率居高不下之苦。更糟的是,當時紐約市政府的財政拮据,因此甚至無法招聘新的員警。
  紐約市府的領導階層需要迅速採取行動。他們要如何把遊客及金流帶回紐約呢?他們決定僱用一位知名的平面設計師來設計一個新標誌以幫助行銷紐約市。他構思出的標誌就是「I ♥ NY」,而這個標誌最終也證實是極為成功之舉。
  紐約市政府在 1977 年推出一系列「我愛紐約」的廣告宣傳活動後 ── 其中包含了標誌本身以及一首知名歌曲,紐約也重拾起其形象以及觀光和投資發展。紐約市現在再度成為一個繁榮之都,而「I ♥ NY」的標誌絕對功不可沒。這個標誌出現在衣服、杯子、帽子、海報及其他許多物品上。多年來,這個標誌或許成了世上最著名的城市標誌。


天氣開始熱了~ 常春藤幫你趕走最討厭的蚊子,現在訂閱雜誌12期就送叮嚀有機精油小黑蚊防蚊液!




你在會議中提出的想法 老外卻說「I am down」
在一個會議上,Kevin提出了一個新的想法,他的外國同事回應了:"I am down with it."同事們都看著他,以為老外對這個想法有反對意見。但"I am down"和字面上的意思不同,它是指「同意、理解、樂意去做」。

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