Farmworkers Once Unwelcome Are Now Deemed ‘Essential’ 疫情下缺工 非法農工變「不可或缺」

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2020/05/15 第303期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Nonprofits Struggling to Survive in a Time of Greatest Need 疫情下求生 非營利組織新任務
Farmworkers Once Unwelcome Are Now Deemed 'Essential' 疫情下缺工 非法農工變「不可或缺」
Nonprofits Struggling to Survive in a Time of Greatest Need 疫情下求生 非營利組織新任務
文/David Streitfeld

疫情下求生 非營利組織新任務

It took Stephanie Cartier nearly three years to open No Limits, a central New Jersey cafe operated by people with intellectual disabilities. That was early February. It took only a few days in March to close the 65-seat restaurant indefinitely.


Customers dwindled as fears of the coronavirus increased. There was not enough cash coming in to pay the staff.

Nonprofits like No Limits are ubiquitous in the United States: built on a dream, dedicated to good works, thinly capitalized. Like so much in American life, they have been upended — perhaps temporarily, maybe forever.


Crucial spring fundraisers and conferences have been canceled or moved to less lucrative online venues. Donors are stretched in many directions, preoccupied with their own problems and much less flush than they were two months ago.


Nonprofits that are paid by local governments said new rules against large gatherings were making their services impossible to deliver, placing their existence at risk.


In an ordinary disaster, no matter how severe the impact, there is a border beyond which life is normal. said Tim Delaney, chief executive of the National Council of Nonprofits."Here there is no border," he said. "We see the first tidal wave coming in, but know there will be a second, a third and a fourth after it."


Relief efforts are underway. Foundations, traditionally not among the spryest of organizations, learned from 9/11 and severe hurricanes that they could move fast. They are quickly retooling to disburse emergency money and relax reporting requirements that are suddenly impossible to meet.


Bloomberg Philanthropies, Carnegie Corp. of New York, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and 23 other foundations as well as individual donors have created a $78 million COVID-19 rescue fund for New York City nonprofits.


The committees deciding who gets what are making "Talmudic decisions — they are weighing equally compelling choices," said Lorie Slutsky, president of the New York Community Trust, which is administering the new fund. "Human service agencies are on the front lines now, but the economic footprint of the arts in New York City is outsized, and we want to preserve as many of those as possible who live on fumes."


Nonprofits on the front lines have been forced to be nimble. Meals on Wheels People in Portland, Oregon, closed its 22 neighborhood dining locations March 13 and switched to a no-touch delivery system for its 15,000 clients. To reduce contact even more, deliveries are made only three days a week, although they include more than one meal.




survival(存活)是本文關鍵字。survival of the fittest是適者生存。survival instinct是生存本能。owe your survival to somebody/something則是因為某人或某物而得以存活。

live on fumes跟run on fumes同義,原本指汽車快要耗盡汽油還在行駛,引申為「在幾乎沒有或已經沒有熱情、精力或資源的情況下苦撐,硬撐」之意。


stretch原意是(盡量)拉長,拉緊,引申用法不少。stretch (somebody's) patience是考驗某人的耐心。stretch the truth/facts則是說出或寫下不完全真實的話。stretch the rules則是英式英語片語,指通融某事,給人方便。

Farmworkers Once Unwelcome Are Now Deemed 'Essential' 疫情下缺工 非法農工變「不可或缺」
文/Miriam Jordan

疫情下缺工 非法農工變「不可或缺」

Like legions of immigrant farmworkers, Nancy Silva for years has done the grueling work of picking fresh fruit that Americans savor, all while afraid that one day she could lose her livelihood because she is in the country illegally.


But the widening coronavirus pandemic has brought an unusual kind of recognition: Her job as a field worker has been

deemed by the federal government as "essential" to the country.


Silva, who has spent much of her life in the United States evading law enforcement, now carries a letter from her employer in her wallet, declaring that the Department of Homeland Security considers her "critical to the food supply chain."


"It's like suddenly they realized we are here contributing," said Silva, a 43-year-old immigrant from Mexico who has been working in the clementine groves south of Bakersfield, California.


It is an open secret that the vast majority of people who harvest America's food are immigrants in the country illegally, mainly from Mexico, many of them decadeslong residents of the United States. Often the parents of American-born children, they have lived for years with the cloud of deportation hanging over their households.


The "essential work" letters that many now carry are not a free pass from immigration authorities, who could still deport Silva and other field workers at any time.


But local law enforcement authorities said the letters might give immigrant workers a sense of security that they will not be arrested for violating stay-at-home orders.


"If you have people who perceive that they may be stopped and questioned or deported because of their status, under these circumstances, having that letter makes them feel comfortable," said Eric Buschow, a captain with the sheriff's office in Ventura County, where thousands of farmworkers labor in strawberry, lemon and avocado operations. "They can go to work. And their work is essential now."


The pandemic has also put many of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's operations on hold. On March 18, the agency said it would "temporarily adjust its enforcement posture" to focus not on ordinary immigrants in the country illegally, but on those who pose a public safety or criminal threat.


"Those of us without papers live in fear that immigration will pick us up," Silva said. "Now we are feeling more relaxed."


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