Ghost Kitchens 餐飲服務的新潮流 ── 幽靈廚房

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2020/05/12 第450期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ghost Kitchens 餐飲服務的新潮流 ── 幽靈廚房
No, they aren’t actually scary. Yes, it’s safe to eat their food.



  In Asia in the 21st century, food delivery services grow more popular day by day. Companies like, Foodpanda, and Demae-can are becoming a part of daily life for many folks. More people are ordering out and eating in, a trend which is creating new opportunities. In the emerging business model, restaurants no longer need a place to serve customers. Enter the ghost kitchen, also called a virtual kitchen. This is a restaurant that only sells food through delivery services.
  There are a few types of ghost kitchens. Some are simply a small kitchen that only serves customers through delivery. Others operate as an independent business within a host restaurant by sharing the restaurant’s kitchen during work hours. Finally, some companies, like Panda Selected for example, rent out large kitchens to several different food services. One of these company “offices” might house a ghost kitchen that makes food for 10 or more restaurants.
  Many dream of opening a restaurant but never get the chance. Compared to a traditional restaurant, ghost kitchens are cheaper and less risky. Those dreaming of running a restaurant now have a lower-cost possibility. One thing is for sure: expect to see more ghost kitchens over the next few years.


1. scary a. 嚇人的,駭人的,恐怖的
I´ve always been fearful of clowns because of their scary make-up.
2. order out (for sth)  叫(某種)外賣
Jill would like to stay home finishing this TV series and order out for pizza tonight.
3. eat in  在家用餐;在餐廳裡吃
Do you want this meal to eat in or take away?
4. opportunity n. 機會,良機
It is a rare opportunity to meet your favorite star in person.
5. emerging a. 新興的;嶄露頭角的
The emerging artist was very successful with his first album.
6. independent a. 獨立的,自主的
Many teenagers want to be more independent of their parents.
7. house vt. 容納;為……提供住處
Those caves may house snakes or other animals.
8. risky a. 有風險的,危險的
This business is highly profitable but very risky.
* profitable a. 有利可圖的

folks n. 人們(= people,恆用複數);雙親(亦恆用複數)
model n. 模式
host n. 寄主,宿主

no longer...
1. no longer 表「不再,再也不」,相當於 not...any longer、not...anymore,通常放在 be 動詞之後、一般動詞之前(本文即屬此用法)。
This book is no longer available because it is out of print.
= This book is not available any longer because it is out of print.
= This book is not available anymore because it is out of print.
Since you´ve lied to me so many times, I can no longer trust you.
2. no longer 亦可置於句首使用,而由於 no longer 視為否定副詞片語,故其後須採倒裝句構。
Lucy no longer lives here. She moved to Taichung last month.
No longer does Lucy live here. She moved to Taichung last month.

餐飲服務的新潮流 ── 幽靈廚房

  在二十一世紀的亞洲,餐點外送的服務日益普及。像是餓了麼、Foodpanda 以及出前館這類公司逐漸變成許多人日常生活的一部分。更多人們開始訂外食在家裡吃,而這種趨勢正創造出新商機。在這種新興的商業模式裡,餐廳不再需要提供一個地方來服務顧客。幽靈廚房(也稱虛擬廚房)於是登場。這是一種僅僅透過外送服務來販售食物的餐廳。


天氣開始熱了~ 常春藤幫你趕走最討厭的蚊子,現在訂閱雜誌12期就送叮嚀有機精油小黑蚊防蚊液!



五個簡單法則 為地球盡一份心力

楊安澤 台裔移民之子競逐美國總統

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