Less Is More 少就是多 —— 微型房屋正夯

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2020/05/19 第451期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Less Is More 少就是多 —— 微型房屋正夯
Tiny houses are a new lifestyle trend in America.



  Over the last 40 years, the average size of an American home has grown by 50%. With bigger houses comes the opportunity for people to have more stuff, but many now find themselves burdened by too many things and too much debt. That’s where tiny houses come to the rescue. A so-called tiny house is a home that measures fewer than 40 square meters and includes all the features of a normal home or apartment.
  Most tiny houses are cleverly designed with features that make comfortable living spaces. Some are built on wheels, while others are small single houses that can be put on private property or in a big backyard. It’s even possible to buy a complete tiny house, to build one from a kit, or to design your own tiny dream house from scratch.
  Various television shows, movies, and books have made the idea of tiny houses popular, and the trend is catching on. Many people find that by scaling down their living space, they can save money and live in a more eco-friendly way.


1. be burdened by / with sth  承受某事的負擔;被某事所困擾
 burden vt. 使負擔;使煩惱 & n. 負擔
Jason has been burdened with ill health his whole life.
I don’t want to burden you with this matter; I can take care of it myself.
2. come to the / sb’s rescue  解救某人
 rescue n. 解救,營救
We came to Matthew’s rescue when we learned he was in financial trouble.
* financial a. 財務的;金融的
3. so-called a. 所謂的;號稱的
Zack’s so-called creative idea was in fact not new.
4. cleverly adv. 巧妙地;機靈地
The movie cleverly showed the daily life of a firefighter.
5. from scratch  從頭開始,從零開始
Building a business from scratch can be quite challenging.
6. catch on  變得流行
The famous designer predicts that miniskirts will catch on next year.
7. scale down... / scale...down  縮減/縮小……(的規模)
A shortage of money has forced the team to scale down the project.
8. eco-friendly a. 環保的
We should use eco-friendly products to promote green living.

property n. 房(地)產
kit n. 配套元件(供購買者裝配成件)

while 的三種用法
1. 表「(然)而」,此時 while 為對等連接詞,引導的主要子句通常置於另一主要子句之後,其前加逗點,即等於 whereas 或 but。本文即屬此用法。
Leo and Peter are both my friends. The former is a teacher, while the latter is a soldier.
2. 表「雖然」,此時 while 為副詞連接詞,等於 though 或 although,其所引導的副詞子句通常置於句首,其後加逗點,再接主要子句。
While we have reduced prices by half, no one seems to be interested in our products.
3. 表「當……時」,此時 while 為副詞連接詞,其所引導的副詞子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,通常用來表示持續的動作或狀態。
Please help out your mother around the house while I’m away on business.
whereas 相當於 while,用來連接兩個意思相對的句子,但不同於 while 的是,whereas 引導的子句可置於另一個子句之前或之後。
Richard got a hamburger for lunch, whereas I bought a sandwich.
= Whereas Richard got a hamburger for lunch, I bought a sandwich.

少就是多 —— 微型房屋正夯



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