絕不是惡作劇!英國漢堡王鼓勵客人吃麥當勞 UK Burger King Urges Customers to Eat McDonald's MAR.01,2021/Analytical Editors 
2020 年十一月,英國漢堡王在其推特帳戶上鼓勵顧客向其他速食連鎖店(包括麥當勞、肯德基、Subway 及其他「餐飲店」)訂購餐點。他們發出這則聲明以作為支持整個英國餐飲業的方式。(In November 2020, Burger King UK got on their Twitter account and encouraged customers to order from other fast-food chains, including McDonald's, KFC, Subway, and other "food outlets." The statement was sent out as a means of support for the entire UK restaurant industry.) |