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2021/04/30 第563期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 可分開、不可分開的動詞片語
【英語學習Plus】 深夜綻放的美麗
【本月發燒書】 In Focus 英語閱讀 1:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★FUN學暢銷套書★讓你像在美國上課一樣!



【Separable 可分開的動詞片語】

hand out 分發
I'll hand the related information out later.

leave out 省略
Should we leave the last part out?

spell out 解釋
If you don't understand, I can spell it out for you.

wind up 結束
I've only got a few minutes left, so I'll wind this up now.

【Inseparable 不可分開的動詞片語】
count on 信賴;依靠
You can count on my support.

call for 要求
This strategy calls for total commitment from both parties.

face up to 承認
They'll face up to the mistake only if we mention it.

go over 複習
Let me go over the main points.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「可分開、不可分開的動詞片語 」

深夜綻放的美麗 Night-Time Beauty

For show-and-tell this week I want to show everyone my favorite plant. I know what you're all thinking—it doesn't look like much. But once a year, this ugly-looking plant produces a beautiful white flower. There are many special things about this flower. It only opens at night. And it only opens for a few hours before it dies. It has a very short life, but it's a very special one. The flower is big—17 cm wide and 30 cm long. And the smell it gives off is wonderful—so strong and sweet. It fills the whole house.

This plant is originally from South America. There, it grows high up in the trees of the forests. But here, people grow them in their gardens. And they invite people over to watch them open once a year. Oh! I forgot to tell you its name. Because it's so beautiful, people call this flower the "Queen of the Night"!

在這禮拜的發表會上,我想向大家展示我最喜歡的植物。我知道你們在想什麼─這株植物看起來不像是我會喜歡的東西。但每年一次,這株不起眼的植物會開出絕美的白色花卉。這花還有許多特色:它只在夜晚綻放,而且盛開幾小時後就會凋零,生命短暫卻十分精彩;它的體型挺大,寬 17 公分,長則有 30 公分;它聞起來濃郁甜美,滿室馨香。



In Focus 英語閱讀 1:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


彩圖中級英文文法Let’s See!【四版】(菊8K+解答別冊)


看插畫20天背熟新制多益600核心單字 (32K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

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