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2021/05/28 第334期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Young People Are Unsure of What Happened on 9/11. An Award Will Try to Fix That. 年輕世代對911事件缺乏認識
Cirque du Soleil's Return Could Be Its Most Challenging Feat Yet 太陽劇團復出 挑戰不少
Young People Are Unsure of What Happened on 9/11. An Award Will Try to Fix That. 年輕世代對911事件缺乏認識
文/Heather Murphy
譯/陳韋廷 核稿/樂慧生


Before the pandemic, about half a million people visited the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, each year. The visitor center details the events of the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when passengers and crew members stormed the cockpit of a hijacked jetliner and thwarted terrorists, possibly preventing an attack on the U.S. Capitol.


A wall of phones is central to the exhibit. Pick one up and guests will hear a goodbye message left by one of the 40 passengers and crew members for their families before the plane crashed into a field just east of Pittsburgh at 10:03 a.m., one hour 21 minutes after taking off from Newark Liberty International Airport, killing them all.


Tour guides often explain that these goodbyes were collected from answering machines. Young visitors often have the same question, according to Donna Gibson, the president of Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial: What is an answering machine?


This question serves as a reminder, Gibson said: Teaching history to the 75 million Americans born after Sept. 11 — nearly a quarter of the U.S. population — requires new tactics. With the 20th anniversary of the attack rapidly approaching and the world-altering events of that day receding further into history, her organization announced the creation of a Flight 93 Heroes Award to try to engage younger generations.


"I hope that it inspires educators and parents to want to teach their children more about what happened at Flight 93," Gibson said. She has noticed that with each passing year, fewer and fewer people seem to know what happened on the flight, or more broadly about the events of Sept. 11. Her organization recently conducted a survey of schools throughout Pennsylvania to find out how they approached teaching about that day. Gibson was surprised to learn that "there is no real formal education," she said.


On its website to submit nominations, the organization says it is looking for people who performed acts of heroism in 2020. "Like those on board Flight 93, they suddenly found themselves forced to make a decision to help others, placing their own life at risk," the submission form says.


The winner will be recognized with a formal plaque and a presentation some time around Sept. 11, Gibson said.


Jeremy Stoddard, a professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, surveyed more than 1,000 middle and high school teachers in 2018,about 130 history, government and social studies teachers said they had never taught students about Sept. 11.


Cirque du Soleil's Return Could Be Its Most Challenging Feat Yet 太陽劇團復出 挑戰不少
文/Dan Bilefsky
譯/李京倫 核稿/樂慧生

太陽劇團復出 挑戰不少

As COVID-19 vaccinations accelerate around the world, the Cirque du Soleil announced last month that its two longest-running Las Vegas shows, "O" and "Mystère," will return this summer. "Luzia," a crowd-pleaser featuring acrobats jumping to and from a pair of huge swings, will open at Royal Albert Hall in London in January. And talks are underway to reopen in China, Japan, South Korea and Spain.


At a time when the pandemic is still raging and uncertainty remains about people's willingness to return to large theaters, the attempted comeback by the Montreal-based circus is a litmus test of sorts for the live-entertainment industry.


But before Cirque shows can restart, it must put back together a company that was all but dismantled at the start of the pandemic.


During its 400-day hiatus, Cirque's revenues plummeted to zero, and it shed nearly 4,700 people, or 95% of its workforce, leaving many of the world's best trapeze artists and acrobats confined at home, unable to practice.


With touring on the horizon, the circus also faces the logistical challenge of navigating different health and safety rules across the globe. "It's going to take a very long time for the Cirque to come back to what it was before the pandemic — if ever," said Mitch Garber, who stepped down last year as Cirque's chair.


Yasmine Khalil, who recently stepped down as Cirque's executive producer after 25 years at the company, said the group retained a sparkling global brand, while the pandemic offered the radically scaled-down organization the opportunity to reinvent itself.


Under new rules by Clark County, in which Las Vegas sits, shows can proceed with no social distancing once 60% of the state's eligible population has received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. Masks will be required.


Cirque must also grapple with out-of-shape circus artists, many of whom have been forced to pursue other ways to make a living.


For Uranbileg Angarag, a Mongolian contortionist, rehearsing favorite moves from home — including putting her legs 180 degrees in front of her head while balancing on a cane in her mouth — has been difficult: The ceiling of her apartment in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital, gets in the way. She has supplemented her income by offering online yoga classes.


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