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2021/07/30 第576期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 詢問旅遊團細節
【英語學習Plus】 Nineteenth Century American Landscapes 十九世紀的美國風景畫
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力滿分奪金演練:1000題練出黃金應試力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 Fun學美國英語書展!和您一起FUN暑假



1. Would you please give me some details about the tour? 可以告訴我這個行程的一些詳細內容嗎?

2. Is it a half-day tour? 那是半天的行程嗎?

3. What can I see on the tour? 那個團是參觀什麼的呢?

4. Does it include a visit to Disneyland? 那個團有去迪士尼樂園嗎?

5. How long is the tour? 這個團會去多久?

6. Is lunch included in the tour? 這個團有包含午餐嗎?

7. What is the charge? 費用是多少呢?

8. Does the charge include meals? 有含伙食費嗎?

9. I'd prefer something less expensive than this tour. 我想找比這個更便宜的團。

10. What is the difference between this tour and the more expensive ones? 這個團跟那個比較貴的團,有什麼不一樣呢?

11. Where will we have lunch? 中午是在哪裡用餐呢?

12. Where do we get on the bus? 在哪裡搭巴士呢?

13. What time does the tour start? 幾點出發呢?

14. When and from where does it leave? 幾點在哪裡出發呢?

15. What time and where should we wait? 我們應該幾點在哪裡等呢?

16. Will we have any free time during the tour? 在行程中有自由時間嗎?

17. Do you have a Chinese-speaking guide? 有會說中文的導遊一起去嗎?

18. Does the guide speak any languages other than English? 導遊會說英文以外的其他語言嗎?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「詢問旅遊團細節」

Nineteenth Century American Landscapes 十九世紀的美國風景畫

I n the nineteenth century, much of America was not settled. So there were few cities. Not many people lived in the countryside. So there were many beautiful places for artists to paint landscapes.

One group of landscape artists was called the Hudson River School. The Hudson River flows through New York. These artists painted the land in this area. Much of it was forest. But there were also farms, fields, and many mountains. Thomas Cole was the first Hudson River School artist. Frederic Edwin Church and Asher Durand were two others. The Hudson River School artists were Romantics. So they idealized the landscapes they painted. They painted the scenes the way they wanted the land to look, not the way that it actually looked.

Around the same time, there was another school of artists. They were called Naturalists, or Realists. They painted nature as it appeared. William Bliss Baker was one of these artists. He also painted in the Hudson River area. But his paintings look very different from the Hudson River School artists' paintings. Baker's works are realistic. His painting Fallen Monarchs is one of the most beautiful of the Naturalist paintings.

19 世紀時,美洲大部分地區尚無人定居,也沒什麼城市。鄉村人口也不多,所以有許多美景可供畫家寫生。



──選自《超級英語閱讀訓練2:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】(16K +1MP3)》


焦點英語閱讀 3:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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