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2021/07/23 第575期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 詢問觀光行程
【英語學習Plus】 From Baroque to Realism 從巴洛克到寫實主義
【本月發燒書】 新制多益聽力滿分奪金演練:1000題練出黃金應試力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 Fun學美國英語書展!和您一起FUN暑假



1. I'd like to see the sights of the city. 我想要做市區觀光。

2. Do you have any sightseeing tours of the city? 有市區觀光團嗎?

3. I'd like to take a sightseeing tour. 我想報名參加觀光團。

4. What kind of tours do you have? 有哪些行程呢?

5. Can you recommend some popular tours? 可以推薦一些比較受歡迎的行程給我嗎?

6. Do you have a full-day tour? 有沒有一日遊的團呢?

7. What kind of sightseeing bus tours do you have? 有哪些觀光巴士的團呢?

8. Do you have any half-day sightseeing bus tours? 有沒有半天的觀光巴士團呢?

9. I'd like to sign up for the Niagara Falls tour. 我想報名參加尼加拉瓜大瀑布的旅遊團。

10. Which tour is best for seeing museums? 要參觀博物館的話,選哪個行程最好?

11. Is there a tour that includes a Broadway show? 有沒有可以看百老匯的團呢?

12. Do you have any tours of the islands? 有環島的旅行團嗎?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「詢問觀光行程」

From Baroque to Realism 從巴洛克到寫實主義

From around the late sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century, there was a new type of art in Europe. It was called Baroque. There were Baroque artists in every European country. So they all had slightly different styles. But there were many similarities that Baroque artists shared.

For one, there were often contrasts between light and dark in Baroque paintings. The artists also focused on movement. And they stressed facial expressions in the figures they painted. This was one way they tried to show emotions in their paintings. The works of Baroque artists also had symbolic or moralizing meanings. Many Baroque artists painted religious topics, too.

One very important characteristic was that Baroque artists were realists. So they painted their subjects as realistically as possible. They knew about perspective. So they could show things such as size and distance. They were also able to use the space in their paintings very well. This ability made many Baroque artists quite famous. Today, people still admire the works of artists such as El Greco, Rembrandt, and Caravaggio.




──選自《超級英語閱讀訓練2:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】(16K +1MP3)》


焦點英語閱讀 3:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 【三版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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