Indie Studio Triumphs by Going Its Own Way 走自己的路 藝術電影稱霸奧斯卡

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2023/05/05 第431期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Indie Studio Triumphs by Going Its Own Way 走自己的路 藝術電影稱霸奧斯卡
2 Navy Ships Will Receive New Names 抹去「美利堅邦聯」痕跡 美海軍2船艦更名
Indie Studio Triumphs by Going Its Own Way 走自己的路 藝術電影稱霸奧斯卡
文/Nicole Sperling

走自己的路 藝術電影稱霸奧斯卡

Six years after nabbing the best picture Oscar for "Moonlight," the hip, art-house studio A24 succeeded at Sunday night's Academy Awards on a scale that seemed to surprise even its executives, who entered the post-show Governor's Ball with what-just-happened-looks on their faces.


The studio became the first in the 95-year history of the Oscars to capture the top six awards at once: the four acting categories, director and picture. It won nine trophies in all — out of 18 nominations — with seven, including best picture, going to "Everything Everywhere All at Once." That film, about a family of Asian immigrants who travel through a multiverse in their quest to find one another, was made for $20 million and grossed $106 million worldwide.


It signaled what could be a changing of the guard. The two studios that have long dominated the art film business, Searchlight Pictures and Focus Features, left the ceremony empty-handed. Searchlight's "The Banshees of Inisherin" was nominated for nine Oscars. Focus was behind "Tár," which was nominated for six.


Making A24's glittering night all the more notable is that it comes as the movie business is in disarray. Art-house theaters shut down at a rapid clip during the pandemic and the audience for adult-minded films is shrinking. Auteurs are increasingly turning to streaming services that offer more money and less stress. And the big studios are becoming even more risk-averse in what they are willing to put in theaters, churning out a steady stream of sequels and superhero films.


"I'm just so glad they exist because no one else is making the weird stuff that they are, and we all need that," Paul Rogers, who won the editing Oscar for "Everything Everywhere All at Once," said of A24 after entering the Governor's Ball. "We need to know, all the weirdos out there, that we're not alone. They're helping us and the world realize that it's OK to be strange. It's OK to be different. It's OK to tell different types of stories about different types of people than what we're used to seeing."


"It's actually just amazing, what they've done," said Stephen Galloway, the dean of Chapman University's film school. "It's really art-house moviemaking that all of us probably thought was dead. And yet they're proving it is not. You can guarantee at this point that they're getting first dibs on any interesting, original, different non-mainstream screenplays."


2 Navy Ships Will Receive New Names 抹去「美利堅邦聯」痕跡 美海軍2船艦更名
文/Emily Schmall

抹去「美利堅邦聯」痕跡 美海軍2船艦更名

One night in 1862, as the Civil War raged, an enslaved mariner named Robert Smalls seized an opportunity.


When the enlisted crew of a Confederate steamer disembarked for a night of carousing in Charleston, South Carolina, Smalls, the ship's pilot, gathered his family and the other enslaved sailors and their families. He then steered the ship for a dramatic escape past heavy fortifications to Union-controlled waters and freedom.


Disguised in a top hat and a Confederate captain's long overcoat, Smalls gave the passcodes at each of five Confederate forts and, once past the reach of cannon fire, hoisted a white flag of sewn-together bedsheets that his wife, Hannah, had made — delivering the ship to Union forces.


Smalls and the crew had lined the bottom of the boat with dynamite to detonate rather than be recaptured and face execution.


Now, Smalls will be immortalized on a U.S. Navy warship named after him, as will Marie Tharp, a pioneering ocean geologist. Both are receiving broader recognition under a Pentagon program to rid military installations and other property of Confederate ties.


The Naming Commission, a committee created by Congress in response to a public backlash against Confederate memorials in the wake of the 2020 murder of George Floyd, identified two ships to be rechristened in the Navy's fleet.


One, a warship deployed in the waters off Japan, called the USS Chancellorsville after the Confederate Civil War victory in Virginia, will be renamed the USS Robert Smalls.


The other, a Pathfinder-class oceanographic survey ship called the USNS Maury, was named after Matthew Fontaine Maury, a U.S. Navy commander who resigned in 1861 to join the Confederate Navy during the Civil War and is known as "Pathfinder of the Seas" for his work charting the global paths of ocean currents. It will be rechristened the USNS Marie Tharp, after the ocean cartographer who helped document the phenomenon of continental drift.


When the Naming Commission informed the Navy that it would have four assets to rename — two buildings at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, and two ships — dozens of suggestions flooded Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro's office, said Tralene Hunston, a civilian employee in the public affairs office.


The Navy is planning namesake ceremonies that do not disrupt operations of either ship, Hunston said.



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