A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change氣候變遷 阿拉斯加城鎮面臨搬遷抉擇

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2016/12/23 第153期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change氣候變遷 阿拉斯加城鎮面臨搬遷抉擇
Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain From the Bottom Up暖化改變北極食物鏈 結果未知
A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change氣候變遷 阿拉斯加城鎮面臨搬遷抉擇
文/Erica Goode

In the dream, a storm came and Betsy Bekoalok watched the river rise on one side of the village and the ocean on the other, the water swallowing up the brightly colored houses, the fishing boats and the four-wheelers, the school and the clinic.

She dived into the floodwaters, frantically searching for her son. Bodies drifted past her in the half-darkness. When she finally found the boy, he, too, was lifeless.

"I picked him up and brought him back from the ocean's bottom," Bekoalok remembered.




The Inupiat people — who for centuries have hunted and fished on Alaska's western coast — believe that some dreams are portents of things to come.

But here in Shaktoolik, one need not be a prophet to predict flooding, especially during the fall storms.

Laid out on a narrow spit of sand between the Tagoomenik River and the Bering Sea, the village of 250 or so people is facing an imminent threat from increased flooding and erosion, signs of a changing climate.




With its proximity to the Arctic, Alaska is warming about twice as fast as the rest of the United States, and the state is heading for the warmest year on record. The government has identified at least 31 Alaskan towns and cities at imminent risk of destruction, with Shaktoolik ranking among the top four. Some villages, climate change experts predict, will be uninhabitable by 2050, their residents joining a flow of climate refugees around the globe, in Bolivia, China, Niger and other countries.

These endangered Alaskan communities face a choice. They could move to higher ground, a wrenching prospect that, for a small village, could cost as much as $200 million. Or they could stand their ground and hope to find money to fortify their buildings and shore up their coastline.



At least two villages farther up the western coast, Shishmaref and Kivalina, have voted to relocate when and if they can find a suitable site and the money to do so. A third, Newtok, in the soggy Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta farther south, has taken the first steps toward a move.

But, after years of meetings that led nowhere and pleas for government financing that remained unmet, Shaktoolik has decided it will "stay and defend," at least for the time being, the mayor, Eugene Asicksik, said.

"We are doing things on our own," he said.




Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain From the Bottom Up暖化改變北極食物鏈 結果未知
文/Carl Zimmer

The Arctic Ocean may seem remote and forbidding, but to birds, whales and other animals, it's a top-notch dining destination.

"It's a great place to get food in the summertime, so animals are flying or swimming thousands of miles to get there," said Kevin R. Arrigo, a biological oceanographer at Stanford University.



But the menu is changing. Confirming earlier research, scientists reported Wednesday that global warming is altering the ecology of the Arctic Ocean on a huge scale.

The annual production of algae, the base of the food web, increased an estimated 47 percent between 1997 and 2015, and the ocean is greening up much earlier each year.



These changes are likely to have a profound impact for animals further up the food chain, such as birds, seals, polar bears and whales. But scientists still don't know enough about the biology of the Arctic Ocean to predict what the ecosystem will look like in decades to come.

While global warming has affected the whole planet in recent decades, nowhere has been hit harder than the Arctic. Last month, temperatures in the high Arctic were as much as 36 degrees above average, according to records kept by the Danish Meteorological Institute.



In October, the extent of sea ice was 28.5 percent below average — the lowest for the month since scientists began keeping records in 1979. The area of missing ice is the size of Alaska and Texas put together.

Since the mid-2000s, researchers like Arrigo have been trying to assess the effects of retreating ice on the Arctic ecosystem.



The sun returns to the Arctic each spring and melts some of the ice that formed in winter. Algae in the open water quickly spring to life and start growing.

These algae are the base of the food chain in the Arctic Ocean, grazed by krill and other invertebrates that in turn support bigger fish, mammals and birds.



Arrigo and his colleagues visited the Arctic in research ships to examine algae in the water and to determine how it affected the water's color. They then reviewed satellite images of the Arctic Ocean, relying on the color of the water to estimate how much algae was growing — what scientists call the ocean's productivity.

The sea's productivity was rapidly increasing, Arrigo found. Last year he and his colleagues published their latest update, estimating that the productivity of the Arctic rose 30 percent between 1998 and 2012.





全球暖化現象在北極最明顯,氣溫升高(Temperatures in the Arctic have been rising.)、海冰消退(The Arctic sea ice has been retreating.),本文提出另一變化:藻類生長茂盛(Algae thrives in the Arctic Ocean.)。


最近有一些關於北極暖化的大新聞,首先是今秋北極超熱(This fall, the Arctic is super-hot.)溫度比正常高出攝氏20度(Arctic temperatures have been 20 degrees Celsius higher than normal.)

海冰的範圍創下最小紀錄(The extent of sea ice is at a record low.)

另一大新聞是因為海冰縮小,未來35年北極熊的數量可能減少30%以上,因為北極熊靠海冰生存,牠們把海冰當成獵捕海豹的浮動平台(Polar bears depend on sea ice for their survival. They use it as a floating platform to hunt seals.)


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