Montreal 風情萬種蒙特婁

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2016/12/27 第280期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Montreal  風情萬種蒙特婁
Take a trip to the cultural center of Canada.

  Some city officials think it is best to leave the past where it belongs. They tear down old buildings for new ones and put precious items and art in museums, then move on. Some cities, however, do their part to keep history alive. The French Canadian city of Montreal, Quebec, is just such a place.
  Montreal is actually an island on the St. Lawrence River. The land was first settled by First Nations peoples about 4,000 years ago. Later, in 1611, the French explorer Samuel de Champlain set up a trading post there, and the French period in the island's history began.
  Thanks to the French influence, parts of modern Montreal make visitors feel like they are in Europe rather than Canada. The area known as Old Montreal is known for its many famous landmarks. The Notre-Dame Basilica is an excellent example of Gothic architecture. Then at the Old Port of Montreal, the Montreal Clock Tower is a must-see as it watches over the waters of the St. Lawrence.
  Of course, no visit to Montreal would be complete without seeing Canada's most historic hockey team, the Canadiens. If you want to see what Canada looked like long before it was a country, Montreal can't be beat.


  蒙特婁事實上是位在聖羅倫斯河上的一座小島。這座小島首先在距今四千年前由『第一民族』(編按:這是加拿大境內民族的通稱,指的是在現今加拿大境內的北美洲原住民及其子孫)在此定居。後來,在 1611 年,法國探險家山謬•德•尚普蘭在當地設立了貿易站,開啟了小島歷史上的法國統治時期。
  當然,沒看到加拿大最具歷史意義的冰上曲棍球隊 -- 加拿大人隊,那你就不算完整地拜訪過蒙特婁。如果你想一窺加拿大建國之前的風貌,蒙特婁是再好不過的選擇。

  1. tear down  拆毀,推倒
    The old hospital is going to be torn down within a week, so they can start building a new one.
  2. precious a. 珍貴的
    Time is precious. We can't afford to waste it.
  3. move on  前進;甩開過去而展開新的一頁
    Sarah broke up with her boyfriend and moved on with her life.
  4. set up  設立,設置
    The teacher set up a goal for his students to achieve.
  5. thanks to...  多虧/由於……
    Thanks to our teamwork, we were able to finish the work ahead of schedule.
  6. landmark n. 地標
    The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in Paris.
  7. historic a. 歷史上著名的,有歷史性的
    This invention is of historic importance.
  8. beat vt. 勝過;擊敗,擊倒
    The cupcakes that my sister bakes can't be beat by those that are sold in bakeries.
    The Warriors beat their opponents with a three-point shot in the last second.

trading post n. 貿易站
basilica n.(古羅馬)長方形廊柱大廳式教堂
Gothic a. 哥德風的
hockey n.(冰上)曲棍球

本文 "... the Montreal Clock Tower is a must-see as it watches over the waters of the St. Lawrence." 中的 watch over... 有『俯瞰;眺望』的意思,另外,watch over 也是固定片語,有『照顧』的意思。除了 watch over 之外,用來表『照顧』的片語還有 look after 和 attend to。例:
This babysitter is responsible for watching over two babies.
Hank asked me to look after his store while he ran to the hospital.
Brian hired a nurse to attend to his father on a 24-hour basis.

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