Some People Just Can't Be Held Back  我可以!舞出自信與美麗的截肢女孩

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2016/12/27 第295期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Some People Just Can't Be Held Back  我可以!舞出自信與美麗的截肢女孩
by Bruce E. Bagnell

An accident victim dared to dream, and now she's back on the dance floor.

  Since she was four years old, Alissa Sizemore, from Vernal, Utah, has dreamed of being a dancer. Dance is universal in its appeal, even to those who dare not get out on the dance floor or up on a stage. _(1)_ To Alissa, dancing was everything.
  Then came her nightmare. In order to play with her friends, she ran out of her home into the street. A truck braked to avoid hitting her but it was too late: one of the front tires ran over one of Alissa's legs. _(2)_ This left her body in great pain and her spirit crushed, but only for a while.
  She says it best, "I didn't want to give up." Working through the pain, she continued her dance lessons. At first, she needed a wheelchair and later crutches to walk, but she pushed herself to dance as much as her body would allow her. She didn't go through this difficult process alone. Her parents, friends, and neighbors all helped however they could. _(3)_ Eleven months later, she was ready.
  In her school gymnasium, Alissa gave her first solo dance performance. _(4)_ In the middle of her performance, she removed her prosthetic leg and continued to wow the audience with her impressive moves. She seemed as capable as any able-bodied girl her age. The audience gave her a standing ovation after she had finished her routine.
  _(5)_ At the end of the video with Alissa's inspiring dance, she holds up a sign that says, "Dare to dream."

(A) A trio of singers in that audience were so impressed that they asked her to dance to their music video "Dare."
(B) Her community raised money to pay for therapy and a prosthetic leg, which were not covered by her family's health insurance.
(C) Dance is a physical communication of emotion, whether it is performed just for fun or as a career.
(D) Giving up is not an option, but this was not true for the little girl.
(E) Doctors could not save it and had to amputate instead.
(F) She handed her mother her crutches and hopped to the center of the large room.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Dance is universal in its appeal, even to those who dare not get out on the dance floor or up on a stage."(舞蹈具有放諸四海皆準的吸引力,甚至對於那些不敢走上舞池或舞臺的人來說也是如此。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "Dance is a physical communication of emotion, whether it is performed just for fun or as a career."(無論舞蹈是單純為了好玩或是被當作一項職業,它都是情感上的肢體溝通。),前後兩句以 Dance(舞蹈)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    physical a. 身體上的,生理的
    衍: physical training  體能訓練
    physically adv. 身體上
    Jogging is one of the simplest and most effective forms of physical training.
    To stay physically and mentally healthy, you need to exercise.
  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "A truck braked to avoid hitting her but it was too late: one of the front tires ran over one of Alissa's legs."(一輛卡車急煞以避免撞上她,但卻為時已晚:其中一個前輪輾過了艾莉莎的一條腿。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "Doctors could not save it and had to amputate instead."(醫生救不了艾莉莎的腿而不得不進行截肢。),後一句的 it 指的即是前一句的 one of Alissa's legs(艾莉莎的一條腿),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    amputate vt. 截(肢)& vi. 實施截肢手術
    衍: amputation n. 截肢
  3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Her parents, friends, and neighbors all helped however they could."(她的父母、朋友和鄰居們都盡其所能提供幫助。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Her community raised money to pay for therapy and a prosthetic leg, which were not covered by her family's health insurance."(她的社區籌募資金以支付治療與義肢的費用,這些並沒有涵蓋在她家的醫療保險中。),前一句的 neighbors (鄰居)與後一句的 Her community(她的社區)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. therapy n. 治療,療法
    b. prosthetic a. 義肢的 & n. 義肢
    c. health insurance  健康保險
    insurance n. 保險
    衍: life insurance  人壽保險
    medical insurance  醫療保險
  4. 第四題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In her school gymnasium, Alissa gave her first solo dance performance."(在她學校的體育館裡,艾莉莎獻出了她的第一支獨舞表演。),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "She handed her mother her crutches and hopped to the center of the large room."(她將拐杖交給媽媽,一跳一跳地躍向巨大表演場地的中間。),前一句的 gymnasium(體育館)和後一句的 the large room (巨大表演場地)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    hop vi. & n.(單腳)跳躍(三態為:hop, hopped, hopped。)
    衍: hop in  上(小汽)車(俚語,指『快進入車內。』)
    There is a bird hopping on the windowsill.
    Hop in! I can give you a ride home.
    What Billy did was more of a hop than a jump.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "At the end of the video with Alissa's dance, she holds up a sign that says, 'Dare to dream.'"(在艾莉莎舞蹈影碟的結尾,她舉起一個牌子,上面寫著:『敢於夢想』。),而 (A) 項的句子提到 "A trio of singers in that audience were so impressed that they asked her to dance to their music video "Dare.'"(觀眾群中有一組三重唱歌手對艾莉莎激勵人心的舞蹈印象深刻,他們請她為他們的音樂影碟 ── Dare 伴舞。),前一句的 the video(影碟)和後一句的 music video(音樂影碟)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. trio n. 三重唱;三人(或三個)一組
    b. dance to...  隨著……起舞
    衍: dance to that song  隨著那首歌起舞

crutch n. 拐杖
衍: be on crutches  拄著柺杖
a standing ovation  起立鼓掌
ovation n. 鼓掌

  1. be held back  受到阻礙
    衍: hold back  退縮;猶豫不決(作不及物動詞)
    hold sb back  使某人退縮(作及物動詞)
    Robin is usually shy, but she didn't hold back during the singing contest.
    Nancy's negative attitude was holding her back from pursuing all of her dreams.
  2. dream of...  夢想……
    比較: dream about...  夢想……;夢到……
    I dream of becoming a famous celebrity one day.
    *celebrity n. 名人
    My brother dreamed about a lion chasing him last night.
  3. run over... / run... over  輾過……
    That was too close! That car almost ran over the little boy.
  4. push oneself to V  鞭策/強迫自己做……
    You have to push yourself to overcome bad habits.
  5. go through...  度過/經歷……(艱難時期)
    Jim had a difficult time going through his parents' divorce.
    *divorce n. 離婚
  1. victim n. 受害者;受災者
    Did you make a donation to the earthquake victims in Japan?
    *donation n. 捐款;捐贈物
  2. dare vi. 敢於,膽敢
    衍: dare to V  敢於(做)……
    dare sb to V  激某人(做)……
    I'm afraid of being on stage so I don't dare to sing in front of a big crowd.
    Larry dared me to eat the whole cake, so I did.
  3. universal a. 普遍的;一致的
    Food, politics, and relationships are all subjects of universal interest.
  4. appeal n. 吸引力 & vi. 吸引
    衍: appeal to...  吸引……;引起……興趣
    Michael Jackson's music has an enduring appeal.
    *enduring a. 持久的
    This radio broadcast appeals especially to lovers of classical music.
    *broadcast n. 廣播(三態同形)
  5. nightmare n. 惡夢;夢魘
    衍: have a nightmare  做惡夢
  6. brake vi. 煞車 & n. 煞車
    注意  由於汽車、飛機等交通工具每個輪子都有一個剎車片,故本字作名詞用時通常用複數。
    Wendy braked to avoid hitting a stray dog.
    The driver slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car.
    *slam on the brakes  猛踩煞車,緊急煞車
    slam vi. 猛力關閉
  7. crush vt. 壓碎;碾碎
    The nuts were crushed and sprinkled on the frozen yogurt.
    *sprinkle vt. 灑,撒
    frozen a. 冰凍的
  8. wheelchair n. 輪椅
    衍: be confined to a wheelchair  坐輪椅
    After the accident, John was confined to a wheelchair for life.
  9. gymnasium n. 體育館;健身房
    同: gym n.
  10. solo a. 單獨的 & n. 獨奏;獨唱
    衍: soloist n. 獨唱者,獨奏者
    The young artist is having his first solo exhibition at the art museum.
    這名年輕的藝術家目前正在該美術館舉行第一次個展 。
    The concert started off with a piano solo.
    *start off with...  以……開始
    The festival welcomes well-known soloists, major ensembles, and talented young performers to join.
    *ensemble n. 小型合奏團
  11. wow vt. 使(人們)稱讚/喝采
    衍: wow sb with...  以……受到某人讚賞
    Randy wowed all of us with his juggling.
    *juggling n. 雜耍表演
  12. capable a. 有能力的
    衍: be capable of V-ing  有能力做……
    The company was capable of handling such a large order.
  13. inspiring a. 激勵人心的
    衍: inspire vt. 鼓舞;啟發
    inspire sb to V  激勵/鼓舞某人(做)……
    Edward began his speech with an inspiring story.
    My father has inspired me to be the best in my class.

  觀眾群中有一組三重唱歌手對艾莉莎激勵人心的舞蹈印象深刻,他們請她為他們的音樂影碟 ── Dare 伴舞。在艾莉莎舞蹈影碟的結尾,她舉起一個牌子,上面寫著:『敢於夢想』。
答案:1. C 2. E 3. B 4. F 5. A

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