
【遠流親師悅讀報】介紹繪本、青少年選書與教養議題,讓家長與老師在陪伴孩子成長過程中一起快樂「悅讀」。 如何讓學英文變得有趣,不再枯燥乏味?快跟著【海洋首都中英文雙月刊】,一邊暢遊高雄一邊輕鬆學英文!
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2016/12/23 第337期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 借閱真人圖書館
【本月發燒書】 FUN學格林童話:
【好康情報局】 寂天精選年終暢銷排行榜──全面79折!

<< 節錄寂天講堂「令人信賴的處理客訴說法」 >>

Borrowing From a Living Library

The story of the Human Library began at the Roskilde music festival in Denmark in 2000. That's where a nongovernment youth organization called Stop the Violence set up a small tent in order to spread their antiviolence message. They believed that people could better understand strangers with different backgrounds if they had a face-to-face discussion about their experiences in life. At the time, there were over 75 "books" available, including policemen, politicians, graffiti artists, feminists, and soccer fans. The crowd's response at the festival was so positive that Stop the Violence decided to expand the program overseas.

Now there are over 45 Human Libraries all over the world and they are all organized by the Human Library Organization in Denmark. These libraries are run by Human Library organizers who are responsible for collecting books and lending them out to the public.

A typical book catalog will include general characteristics about the person, or "book," that's being offered. For example, there might be a book called "Muslim" that lists the following characteristics: extremist, fundamentalist, aggressive terrorist. These are all popular prejudices toward Muslims. In other words, they're characteristics that people wrongly believe that every Muslim has. By listing these prejudices and giving people an opportunity to meet a real Muslim, the Human Library is trying to challenge the way people see other groups in society.


「真人圖書館」的概念發想於2000 年丹麥舉辦的羅斯基勒音樂祭(Roskilde music festival)。由年輕人組成的非政府組織「停止暴力」(Stop the Violence),在音樂祭場地搭起小型帳棚攤位,以宣達反對暴力的信念。他們認為,如果人們能當面討論彼此生活經歷,就能對不同背景的陌生人更加熟悉。當時有超過75 本「真人書」可供借閱,包括警察、政客、塗鴉藝術家、女權運動者,以及足球迷。音樂祭的群眾反應熱烈,因此「停止暴力」組織決定將此計劃往海外拓展。  

如今,全世界有超過45 個「真人圖書館」,並由位於丹麥的真人圖書館基金會管理。真人圖 書館基金會負責圖書館的營運,包括收集館藏以及開放大眾借閱事宜。


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