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2023/08/18 第682期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 開車 2
【英語學習Plus】 Is Pluto a Planet? 冥王星究竟是不是行星
【本月發燒書】 實戰新多益高分必備:狠準五回1000題黃金試題(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 2023年 開學季書展★

開車 2

garage 修車廠
break down 拋錨
flat tire 爆胎
tow 拖吊
car charging station 汽車充電站
gas station 加油站

★ My husband's car needs service. 我先生的車需要維修。
Tiffany:My husband's car needs service. Can I get it done here?
Mechanic:Certainly, madam. I just need to know the year and model.
Tiffany:It's a 2010 Ford Escape.
是2010 的福特Escape。

★ Something is wrong with my engine. 我的引擎怪怪的。
Lisa:Can you help me? Something's wrong with my engine.
可以幫我嗎? 我的引擎怪怪的。
Mechanic:What's the problem?
Lisa:It makes funny noises while I'm driving.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「開車 2」

Is Pluto a Planet? 冥王星究竟是不是行星

August 24, 2006, is a day that will stand out in the minds of science teachers and planetarium fans worldwide. That's the day when Pluto lost its status as a planet, forcing a mad rush of revised lesson plans, new textbook printings, and incorrect trivia answers.

Pluto's reclassification resulted from shifts in standards within the scientific community. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), an international organization in charge of naming practices in space, held a vote on adopting new criteria to dictate what makes a planet. After several vigorous debates, new criteria were voted through by a majority of the IAU's members. A planet was subsequently defined as a celestial body that orbits the sun, exceeds a certain threshold of generating its own gravity, and has cleared the orbit of its immediate neighborhood.

Although Pluto passes the planet test for the first two criteria, it fails on the third. Pluto has not cleared out its own neighborhood. In fact, it's located in the middle of a large field of space debris called the Kuiper belt. The Kuiper Belt is located beyond Neptune, and it has several celestial bodies of comparable size to Pluto. Had the competing argument won out in the 2006 IAU debate, these bodies would be considered planets along with Pluto, and the Solar System would have 12 planets.

We all know what actually happened, however. Pluto was kicked out of the planet club and a new classification was invented: the "dwarf planet." Dwarf planets refer to any celestial body that fulfills the first two criteria of the IAU planet rules, but not the third. Now, these dwarf planets have only two paths back to astronomic credibility: either several asteroids or other rocks crash into them, allowing them to increase their overall mass and regain planet status, or they wait until the scientists of the IAU change the definition of what constitutes a planet again. Until then, Pluto stands as the sole example of a celestial body that experienced the highs of being a planet and the lows of being on the outside looking in.







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