Climate Change Can Turn Snow Into Rain, Raising Risks in Mountain Zones 氣候變遷化雪為雨 山區風險升高

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2023/08/25 第447期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Climate Change Can Turn Snow Into Rain, Raising Risks in Mountain Zones 氣候變遷化雪為雨 山區風險升高
In Poorer Countries, Obesity Can Be Seen By Banks as a Signal of Creditworthiness 在貧窮國家 愈胖可能貸款信譽愈高
Climate Change Can Turn Snow Into Rain, Raising Risks in Mountain Zones 氣候變遷化雪為雨 山區風險升高
文/Delger Erdenesanaa

氣候變遷化雪為雨 山區風險升高

As the climate warms, mountain regions will get more extreme rainfall than previously thought, and more of the dangers that come with it, according to a study published in the journal Nature.


While scientists have studied how climate change may increase extreme precipitation overall, until now they hadn't teased apart how much of the most extreme precipitation will fall as snow and how much as rain. The distinction is important because rain tends to produce more hazards for humans than snow does, including floods, landslides and soil erosion.


As the planet heats up, snow is starting to turn into rain, even in the mountains. The study found that for every 1 degree Celsius that the planet warms, higher elevations can expect 15% more extreme rainfall.


"This is the first time that it has ever been quantified," said the study's lead author, Mohammed Ombadi, an environmental data scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This increase in extreme rainfall is "almost double" the increase in total extreme precipitation, including both rain and snow, that climate scientists previously expected. The precipitation finding applies only to the world's highest regions, above approximately 2,000 meters of elevation.


But about one-quarter of the human population lives either in mountain regions or directly downstream from them, Ombadi said. While landslides don't travel very far, flooding tends to affect people downstream more.


In their study, Ombadi and his colleagues analyzed historical data from 1950 to 2019 as well as projections of climate change through the end of the 21st century. They focused on the temperate and Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere because data from the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere is lacking.


As they modeled different global warming scenarios, the researchers found that extreme rainfall kept increasing steadily, at the same rate, for each degree of warming. "If you have 1 degree of warming, then that's a 15% increase. If it's 3 degrees, then that's going to be a 45% increase in rainfall," Ombadi explained.


This was a surprise, as the team expected the increase in rainfall to slow down and plateau as temperatures rose more and more. They used several different climate models, with relatively consistent results between all of them. "The big message is that every degree matters," Ombadi said.


In Poorer Countries, Obesity Can Be Seen By Banks as a Signal of Creditworthiness 在貧窮國家 愈胖可能貸款信譽愈高
文/Patricia Cohen

在貧窮國家 愈胖可能貸款信譽愈高

In the world's wealthiest countries, the richer people are, the thinner they tend to be.


But in Uganda, one of the poorest nations, where nearly half the people eat fewer calories than they need each day, excess fat is often a sign of wealth and can help get a bank loan, according to an article in The American Economic Review.


It's not surprising that in places where food is scarce, obesity serves as a significant marker of wealth.


But what the new study points out is that in poor countries, information is also scarce. And in those situations, loan officers use whatever bits of evidence they can find to help make critical economic decisions.


"Given the scarcity of readily available hard information in poor countries, wealth signals, including obesity, play a crucial role in economic interactions where individuals seek to evaluate someone's wealth," said Elisa Macchi, an assistant professor of economics at Brown University.


As part of her research, Macchi conducted tests with 238 loan officers at 146 financial institutions in the capital city of Kampala. She asked them to review applications from fictionalized potential borrowers whose accompanying photographs were manipulated so they appeared thin or fat.


It is not uncommon in Uganda for people to include a photo of themselves when submitting a loan application, and it can be one nugget of information that a loan officer uses to decide whether to even grant an applicant a first interview, Macchi said.


She discovered that loan officers were more likely to rate the applicants as more creditworthy and more financially sound when the obese version of the photograph was attached.


"The obesity premium is large, equivalent to the effect of a 60% increase in borrower self-reported income in the experiment," or an additional asset like ownership of a car, the study concluded.


Historically, corpulence was prized in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Mauritania was once notorious for the custom of brutally force-feeding young girls to make them more marriageable — a practice referred to as gavage, taken from the French term for force-feeding geese to produce foie gras. Fat was considered both a sign of family wealth and a cultural ideal.


Lately, obesity has become an increasingly worrisome health risk on the continent, a development that follows the trend in the richest nations where obesity is often correlated with poverty.



美國最高法院6月29日裁決,哈佛大學和教堂山北卡羅來納大學採納「平權措施」(Affirmative Action,考慮種族因素的招生政策)涉及歧視且違憲。這項裁決表示,美國大學不能再以種族作為錄取申請學生與否的評估因素,顯然有利於學業表現較好的白人及亞裔學生。

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