“I have a hot hand.” 不是指手很熱!

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2023/12/22 第560期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2023-12-22 VOL:907
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“I have a hot hand.” 不是指手很熱!

"I've got to hand it to you, John. Your presentation was outstanding, and the clients were really impressed."

"I've got to hand it to you."不是要交什麼東西給你,而是一個大大的讚美。來看看hand的道地用法。

1. I've got to hand it to you.

"I've got to hand it to you." 是表達由衷讚美、欣賞的口語。在這裡"hand"意思是「交付、承認」。整句 "I've got to hand it to you" 可以理解為「我得承認你的成就」。來看例句:

● You've got to hand it to her. 你不得不佩服她。

 I've got to hand it to Sarah for her dedication to her studies. She scored the highest in the  class. 我必須讚揚一下Sarah對學業的奉獻精神。她在班裡得了最高分。

 I've got to hand it to you guys for throwing such an amazing party. It was a blast! 我得說你們辦的派對太棒了。真是太過癮了!

2.Talk to the hand.

"Talk to the hand" 是表達不願意聽的口語,意思是,「如果你有什麼話,就跟我手掌說吧」,用跟熟人或是網路聊天等輕鬆或幽默的情境,帶有一點戲謔、調侃的語氣。不適合正式或嚴肅場合。看幾個應用情境:

A: I think you should do it this way. 我覺得你應該這麼做。
B: Talk to the hand, because the face ain't listening. 跟我手說吧,因為我臉可不想聽。

A: You don't understand my perspective at all.你根本不了解我的立場。
B: Talk to the hand, my friend. 跟我手掌說吧,朋友。

A: You don't appreciate my efforts at all. 你一點都不懂得珍惜我的努力。
B: Talk to the hand, I've had enough. 跟我手掌說吧,我受夠了。

3、 I have had a hot hand.

當一個人有"a hot hand"時, 表示他表現很好、運氣不錯。這個說法來自運動比賽,當一名籃球員連續進球時,就可以說”He has a hot hand.”

● I’ve been closing deals left and right this month. It seems like I have a hot hand in sales. 這個月我接連達成了很多交易。我似乎在銷售方面手氣不錯。

● The artist has a hot hand lately, producing one amazing piece of artwork after another. 這位藝術家最近手氣真好,一幅又一幅令人驚嘆的藝術品。



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