Colleges Deride the Rankings, But Some Pay to Flaunt Them 為了註冊率 美院校砸錢宣傳大學排名

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2024/03/08 第475期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Colleges Deride the Rankings, But Some Pay to Flaunt Them 為了註冊率 美院校砸錢宣傳大學排名
COVID Has Resurged, but Scientists See a Diminished Threat 新冠再起 但科學家認為威脅不大
Colleges Deride the Rankings, But Some Pay to Flaunt Them 為了註冊率 美院校砸錢宣傳大學排名
文/Alan Blinder

為了註冊率 美院校砸錢宣傳大學排名

Jonathan Henry, a vice president at the University of Maine at Augusta, is hoping that an email will arrive this month. He is also sort of dreading it.


The message, if it comes, will tell him that U.S. News & World Report has again ranked his university's online programs among the nation's best. History suggests the email will also prod the university toward paying U.S. News, through a licensing agent, thousands of dollars for the right to advertise its rankings.


For more than a year, U.S. News has been embroiled in another caustic dispute about the worthiness of college rankings — this time with dozens of law and medical schools vowing not to supply data to the publisher, saying that rankings sometimes unduly influence the priorities of universities.


But school records and interviews show that colleges nevertheless feed the rankings industry, collectively pouring millions of dollars into it.


Many lower-profile colleges are straining to curb enrollment declines and counter shrinking budgets. And any endorsement that might attract students, administrators say, is enticing.


Maine at Augusta spent $15,225 last year for the right to market U.S. News "badges" — handsome seals with U.S. News' logo — commemorating three honors: the 61st-ranked online bachelor's program for veterans, the 79th-ranked online bachelor's in business and the 104th-ranked online bachelor's.


The money flows from schools large and small.


Critics believe that the payments enable and incentivize a ranking system they see as harmful.


"I still cannot believe that higher education has collectively paid them to skew what we do in higher education," said Heather Gerken, dean of Yale Law School, who helped lead the uprising among law and medical schools. The money "devoted to this unserious enterprise," she said, could have been used to "transform lives," perhaps through financial aid or the recruitment of low-income students.


U.S. News said its business of licensing its logo reflects its reputation. The rankings, U.S. News leaders said, help students and parents find clarity in a crowded, confusing college marketplace, and let quality schools break through more easily with prospects.


Eric Gertler, executive chair of U.S. News, acknowledged in an interview that the publisher pulls in millions from universities looking to share in the allure of U.S. News' credibility.


COVID Has Resurged, but Scientists See a Diminished Threat 新冠再起 但科學家認為威脅不大
文/Apoorva Mandavilli

新冠再起 但科學家認為威脅不大

The holidays have come and gone, and once again Americans are riding a tide of respiratory ailments, including COVID-19. But so far, this winter's COVID uptick seems less deadly than last year's, and much less so than in 2022, when the omicron surge ground the nation to a halt.


"We're not seeing the signs that would make me think that we're heading into another severe wave," said Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. "So far, we're in relatively good shape."


Still, there are few masks in sight, and just a fraction of the most vulnerable people have received the latest COVID shots, she noted. "It's not too late," Rivers added, to get the updated vaccine.


Federal officials are relying on limited data to measure this year's spread. After the end of the public health emergency in May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped tracking the number of COVID infections.


But trends in wastewater data, positive tests, emergency department visits, hospitalization rates and deaths point to a rise in infections in all regions of the nation, according to the CDC. These patterns have prompted many hospitals to reinstate mask policies.


As in previous years, the numbers have steadily been rising all winter, and are expected to increase further after holiday travel and get-togethers. Many of the infections are caused by a new variant, JN.1, which has rapidly spread in recent weeks.


Some scientists have pointed to rising levels of the virus in sewage samples as an indicator that infections are at least as high this year as they were at this time last year. But Rivers urged caution in interpreting wastewater data as a proxy for infections and said hospitalizations were a more reliable metric.


In the week that ended on Dec. 23, hospitalizations rose by nearly 17% from the previous week. There were about 29,000 new hospital admissions, compared with 39,000 the same week last year and 61,000 in 2021. And weekly hospitalizations are increasing more slowly than in previous years, Rivers said.


COVID is still claiming at least 1,200 lives per week. But that number is about one-third the toll this time last year and one-eighth that in 2021.



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