Workplace Wellness Programs Have Little Benefit, Study Finds 員工心理健康福利活動 研究指成效不彰

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2024/03/15 第476期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Workplace Wellness Programs Have Little Benefit, Study Finds 員工心理健康福利活動 研究指成效不彰
Norway Moves to Allow Seabed Mining Exploration 挪威逐步開放海底採礦 惹惱環保人士
Workplace Wellness Programs Have Little Benefit, Study Finds 員工心理健康福利活動 研究指成效不彰
文/Ellen Barry

員工心理健康福利活動 研究指成效不彰

Employee mental health services have become a billion-dollar industry. New hires are presented with a panoply of digital wellness solutions, mindfulness seminars, massage classes, resilience workshops, coaching sessions and sleep apps.


But a British researcher who analyzed survey responses from 46,336 workers at companies that offered such programs found that people who participated in them were no better off than colleagues who did not.


The study, published this month in Industrial Relations Journal, considered the outcomes of 90 different interventions and found a single notable exception: Workers who were given the opportunity to do charity or volunteer work did seem to have improved well-being.


Across the study's large population, none of the other offerings — apps, coaching, relaxation classes, courses in time management or financial health — had any positive effect. Trainings on resilience and stress management actually appeared to have a negative effect.


"It's a fairly controversial finding, that these very popular programs were not effective," said William J. Fleming, the author of the study and a fellow at Oxford University's Wellbeing Research Center.


Fleming's analysis suggests that employers concerned about workers' mental health would do better to focus on "core organizational practices" like schedules, pay and performance reviews.


Fleming's study is based on responses to the Britain's Healthiest Workplace survey in 2017 and 2018 from workers at 233 organizations, with financial and insurance service workers, younger workers and women slightly over-represented.


The data captured workers at a single point in time, rather than tracking them before and after treatment. Using thousands of matched pairs from the same workplace, it compared well-being measures from workers who participated in wellness programs with those of their colleagues who did not.


Adam Chekroud, a co-founder of Spring Health, a platform that connects employees with mental health services, and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University, said Fleming's study examined interventions that were "not highly credible" and measured well-being many months later. A blanket dismissal of workplace interventions, he said, risks "throwing the baby out with the bathwater."


"There is recent and highly credible data that things like mental health programs do improve all those metrics that he mentions," Chekroud said.


Norway Moves to Allow Seabed Mining Exploration 挪威逐步開放海底採礦 惹惱環保人士
文/Eric Lipton

挪威逐步開放海底採礦 惹惱環保人士

The Norwegian parliament voted Tuesday to authorize opening parts of the Norwegian Sea to seabed mining exploration, a move that reflects rising international demand for the metals needed to build batteries for electric vehicles worldwide.


The decision clears the way for prospectors to look for seabed deposits between Norway and Greenland, mostly north of the Arctic Circle, in areas under Norway's national jurisdiction.


Proposals for mining exploration in both international waters and coastal areas like those off Norway have encountered stiff opposition from environmentalists who say that not enough is known about the life at the bottom of sea to authorize mining.


Initially, the work in Norway will involve collecting information about the amount of metals in the seabed and what harm large-scale mining might cause to aquatic life.


The parliament would have to consider the plan again before industrial-scale seabed mining would be allowed to start.


Norway joins a growing list of nations — including Japan, New Zealand, Namibia and the Cook Islands in the South Pacific — that in recent years have either considered or taken steps toward seabed mining.


Separately, a United Nations-affiliated agency known as the International Seabed Authority is drafting regulations that could eventually allow seabed mining in international waters in parts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.


The authority has spent a decade trying to finalize rules for international waters. While that debate continues, nations can decide on their own whether to authorize mining in the coastal areas they control.


Some academics, scientists and environmental groups in Norway have challenged the plan.


"The ocean is vitally important for our survival on this planet," said Kaya L��nne Fjærtoft , a marine biologist from Norway with the World Wildlife Foundation. "Risking ocean health is gambling our future."


Environmentalists also say that battery chemistry is rapidly changing, and carmakers soon might not need some of the metals Norway is targeting.



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