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2015/06/01 第142期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



早在Apple Watch上市一年前,迪士尼樂園已經悄悄推出革命性穿戴裝置-MagicBand 魔術手環。魔術手環除了減少冗長又累人的買票排隊過程,更重要的是,它可以和園內設施互動,提供獨特的個人化體驗。 但在美麗童話和神奇魔法的背後,這項新科技的開發歷程,卻是外人難以想像的迂迴波折。 進入本文之前,先來想想這幾個字要怎麼說。


a) 併吞

b) 高層人員

c) 懷舊之情


Bob Iger is known for his corporate shopping spree. After taking over from Michael Eisner as the super conglomerate's CEO, Iger initiated a relentless expansion plan by a) annexing Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm to bolster Disney's flagging movie business. The strategy worked, yet just when the box office revenues took off, the empire's famed theme parks were showing alarming signs of age and wear.



Two things threatened the Magic Kingdom’s relevance among young people of the digital generation: long lines and social media. To keep the sparks of wonder in children’s eyes, whose attention is increasingly diverted by mobile apps and chat rooms, and to remedy the hassle of ticketing and waiting in endless lines, Disney’s b) top brass decided to revamp the whole experience in 2008, commissioning a project called NGE -- Next Generation Experience.





Over the course of 5 years, the project team spent nearly US$1 billion on the development of MyMagic , the catchall phrase used to describe the infrastructure comprising MagicBand, FastPass , and corresponding online and mobile services. But before the final rollout in 2014, more than a few departmental 1) nerves were touched, various turfwars were waged, while the company strived to put on a happy face ensuring all is fine and well with the restructuring of an iconic enterprise. Adoption of technology is never easy, but it’s harder by several magnitudes when the brand is one steeped in tradition and c) nostalgia like Disney.

接下來的五年多期間,計劃小組燒掉近10億美金,開發出名為MyMagic 的一整套服務架構,包含魔術手環、快速通關、以及相對應的線上與行動服務。但在2014年正式啟用之前,迪士尼部門之間關係緊繃,內部鬥爭不斷,公司卻仍必須對外擺出樂觀姿態,聲稱改革計畫順利。科技的引入原本就不容易,但對迪士尼這樣一個充滿傳統和懷舊的品牌來說,更是額外艱鉅的挑戰。


In the end, MagicBand won most positive feedback from guests, revenues at theme parks jumped, and executives were promoted to commend their success. But to people 2) privy to the project, the current implementation is only a fraction of the original NGE vision, most of which was lost in corporate infighting.




1)    touch a nerve 引發情緒反應


The candidate's attack on Obama touched a nerve among minority voters.



2)    privy to 熟悉(內情)的

Privy 是形容詞,表私人的意思。Privy to 意思是私下知情的。

He refused to weigh in on the corruption scandal, insisting he was not privy to the negotiation process.



參考資料: fastcompany.com


英文的「打耳光」「罩我一下」請不要直接用 hit,和cover 我一下! 以下五個英文慣用語,錯誤多發生在「動詞」,請看看你是否知道如何更正。
  1. Why did you beat her ears? She is just a little girl. 你為何打她耳光?她不過是個小女孩。
  2. I'm a little short on money. Would you cover me some cash for this meal? 我手上的錢不太夠,可以請你用現金幫我代墊這餐費嗎?
  3. Jessica has been a poor writer for many years, but get the jackpot this year because of a best-seller. 潔西卡多年來只是個窮作家,今年卻因為一本暢銷書而發財了。
  4. The doctor asked Hank to stay in bed because he was arising a temperature. 醫生要漢克卧床休息,因為他當時發燒了。
  5. Please don’t overuse your brains, so that you can keep your intellects sharp. 請不要用腦過度,如此你才可以保持腦力。


  1. Why did you box her ears? She is just a little girl. 中文裡有「打」,你很自然會想到用hit或beat,但「搧人耳光」的慣用語,動詞應該用box。
  2. I'm a little short on money. Would you spot me some cash for this meal? 一想到是關於「罩我一下」的意思,很多人會立即聯想到用cover這個動詞,但請人家先幫忙代墊錢的動詞應該是spot。
  3. Jessica has been a poor writer for many years, but hit the jackpot this year because of a best-seller. jackpot是吃角子老虎機上的頭彩,慣用語hit the jackpot指的是「中了頭彩」,引申為「成功」、「出運」、「發大財」或「意外地得到一大筆錢」。
  4. The doctor asked Hank to stay in bed because he was having/running a temperature. 發燒的「發」不要解釋為「發生」而誤用了happen、arise等動詞,可以用have或get,另外,由於生病時體溫可能起起伏伏,用run其實相當傳神。
  5. Please don’t overtax your brains, so that you can keep your intellects sharp. overuse是「對…使用過度」的意思沒錯,但慣用語「用腦過度」的動詞,標準答案是overtax,它可以解釋為「對…課稅過重」,也可以解作「負擔過度」。

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