Start-Ups Focusing on Mobile Search Challenge Google/行動搜尋時代 Google有硬仗要打

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2015/05/29 第74期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Start-Ups Focusing on Mobile Search Challenge Google/行動搜尋時代 Google有硬仗要打
Food May Be Too Clean For Our Own Good/抗菌當道 專家:美國食物乾淨過頭
Start-Ups Focusing on Mobile Search Challenge Google/行動搜尋時代 Google有硬仗要打
A growing number of entrepreneurs are betting that the rise of mobile phones has created an opportunity to do what once seemed unthinkable: to challenge Google in search.


One of those who hopes to take on Google is Bobby Lo, the founder of Vurb, a start-up in San Francisco's bustling downtown that has a new kind of search engine meant for mobile phones. The idea is to take several common queries — restaurants, movies — and group them into snippets of information and apps for related actions.


Venture capitalists have plowed hundreds of millions of dollars into dozens of search start-ups because they say they believe the Internet giant cannot dominate search on mobile devices the way it has on personal computers.


Venture capitalists financed 27 search companies in 2014 and 33 the year before — the two most active years on record, according to CB Insights, whose data on the venture capital industry goes back to 1999. The biggest jump has been in mobile search companies, according to a report CB Insights released in March, particularly companies that use "deep links" to connect mobile applications the way websites are linked on the web.

CB Insights從1999年開始收集創投產業的資料,資料顯示創投資本家在2014年提供資金給27家搜尋公司,前一年是33家,這是紀錄上最活躍的兩年。根據CB Insights今年三月公布的報告,投資的最大躍進是在行動搜尋公司方面,尤其是比照網路上網站連結方式,以「深度連結」(deep links)去連結行動應用軟體的公司。


Each of these search companies has a slightly different take. Quixey, which has raised $135 million in venture capital, according to CB Insights, features a traditional- looking search box that helps people find information inside apps, as well as functions, such as a button to order a cab.

這些搜尋公司每一家都有稍微不同的特色。根據CB Insights,已集資1.35億美元創投資本的Quixey,特色是一個有傳統外觀的搜尋盒,幫人們在應用軟體內找資訊,以及功能,例如叫計程車的按鈕。

A company named URX is trying to link apps so that people can perform related actions by hopping between them. Other ideas include putting search inside mobile messaging systems or creating new home-screen applications that use past behavior to predict what a user might want next — a concept Google has invested in already.


"If you ask 100 people whether search is broken or not, 99 would say Google is perfect; it's everything I need," said John Lilly, a partner at Greylock Partners, which has backed a search startup called Jack Mobile. "But if you ask them, 'How are you going to figure out what you want to watch on TV tonight or where are you going to dinner?' they would say Google wouldn't know that, that's not search."

資助新創搜尋公司Jack Mobile的創投公司Greylock Partners的合夥人約翰.里利說:「你若問一百個人,搜尋是否不夠完整,百分之九十九會說Google很完美;它滿足我的所有需要。但你若問他們,『你能想出今晚你要看什麼電視節目,或是你要去哪兒吃晚餐嗎?』他們會說Google不會知道這個,這不是搜尋。」

An entrepreneur named Mike Farmer is developing, a visual search engine whose results are full of pictures and cuedup videos.


"The very moment you believe that the game is over is the very moment that the environment exists to introduce something completely new," said Mr. Farmer, who works out of his house in Kansas City, Kansas.


Behind the new companies is a conviction that people use mobile phones so differently than they do desktop and laptop computers that the search business is ripe for an overhaul. "Anytime there is a platform change, everything is up for grabs," said Keith Rabois, a partner at Khosla Ventures, which has backed a company called Relcy.

支持這些新公司的是一個信念,認為人們使用手機的方式,與他們使用桌上型電腦和筆記型電腦大不相同,搜尋業進行大整修的時機已經成熟。資助Relcy公司的創投公司Khosla Ventures的一位合夥人凱斯.拉波華說:「每當有平台的改變,到處都是可以抓住的機會。」

The most obvious difference with mobile is that people always have their phones with them , giving search companies lots of contextual clues — like location — for what they might want.


That is the main idea behind Vurb. When someone uses Vurb to search for a movie, it returns a single page with reviews, cast members and nearby theaters, along with links to buy tickets and the option to call a cab. When a user searches for an old movie, the service fetches streaming applications like Netflix.


"If I'm searching for a movie, chances are I want to do a couple of things related to that," Mr. Lo said.


This year, smartphone users in the United States are projected to spend 81 percent of their time on the mobile Internet inside applications, and 19 percent on the web, according to eMarketer.


Of course, Google has no plans to cede its hold on search. The company has amassed 30 billion "deep links" so that its search engine can return information from apps as well as the web, and the company's engineers are busy reimagining its search business for mobile phones.


The company's biggest bets have been a voice-searching tool, along with Google Now, an application that tries to predict what users are looking for by showing a stack of cards with timely information, using cues like coming events in the user's emails or recent activities on mobile apps and the web.

這家公司(Google)的最大賭注一直放在一種語言搜尋工具,以及Google Now,一種試圖預測用戶正在找什麼的應用軟體,藉由顯示即時訊息的一疊卡片,以及利用一些提示,像是用戶電郵中即將到來的活動,或是手機應用軟體和網路上的最近活動。

Aparna Chennapragada is director of product management in Google's search business. Like her start-up competitors, she is still unsure exactly what people want.


"Google Now is such an early effort," she said. "We're still trying to figure it out."

她說:「Google Now在萌芽階段,我們仍在努力發想。」

Food May Be Too Clean For Our Own Good/抗菌當道 專家:美國食物乾淨過頭
With the recent recalls of millions of liters of ice cream as well as several tons of hummus, pine nuts, frozen vegetables and various meat products, you might think the American food supply is an unholy mess. It's not. It's arguably the safest in the world.


Yet despite continually improving processing methods and quality controls, the number of cases of food-borne illness has remained high since the 1990s, with the incidence of people getting sick from some pathogens increasing.


Some experts wonder if we've reached a point of diminishing returns in food safety — whether our food could perhaps be too clean.


Industrial food sanitation practices — along with home cooks' antibacterial veggie washes, chlorine bleach kitchen cleaners and sterilization cycle dishwashers — kill off so-called good bacteria naturally found in foods that bolster our health. Moreover, eliminating bad or pathogenic bacteria means we may not be exposed to the small doses that could inoculate us against intestinal crises.


圖片來源/North Charleston(CC BY-SA 2.0)

"No one is saying you need to eat a peck of dirt before you die to be healthy," said Jeffrey T. LeJeune, a professor and head of the food animal research program at Ohio State University in Wooster . "But there is a line somewhere when it comes to cleanliness. We just don't know where it is."


The theory that there might be such a thing as "too clean" food stems from the hygiene hypothesis, which has been gaining traction over the last decade. It holds that our modern germaphobic ways may be making us sick by harming our microbiome, which is the system made up of all the microbes — bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites — that live in and on human bodies.


A result of a diminished microbiome is an immune system that gets bored, spoiling for a fight and apt to react to harmless substances and even attack the body's own tissues. This could explain the increasing incidence of allergies and autoimmune disorders such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.


There is also the suggestion that a diminished microbiome disrupts hormones that regulate hunger, which can cause obesity .


When it comes to food-borne illness, the idea is that fewer good bacteria in your gut means there is less competition to prevent colonization of the bad microbes, leading to more frequent and severe bouts of illness.


Moreover, an underutilized immune system may lose its ability to discriminate between friend and foe, so it may marshal its defenses inappropriately ( against gluten , for example) or not at all.


Animal experiments have lent some credence to the theory. Researchers at Texas Tech University in Lubbock have found that guinea pigs fed less virulent strains of listeria are less likely to get sick or die when later fed a more pathogenic strain. And anyone who has visited a country with less than rigorous sanitation knows the locals don't get sick from foods that can cause tourists days of toilet-bound torment.


"We have these tantalizing bits of evidence that to my mind provide pretty good support for the hygiene hypothesis, in terms of food-borne illness," said Guy Loneragan, a professor of food safety and public health at Texas Tech.


This is not to say we'd be better off if chicken producers eased up on the salmonella inspections, we ate recalled ice cream sandwiches and didn't rinse our produce. But it raises questions about whether it might be advisable to eradicate microbes more selectively.



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