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2020/12/04 第542期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 得來速點餐
【英語學習Plus】 英國皇室
【本月發燒書】 讀出英語核心素養1:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+MP3)
【好康情報局】 ★2020寂天精選套書展★買任一套書送原著雙語隨身書《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》

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I'd like two cheeseburgers to go.

Can I replace the fries with onion rings?

No lettuce in my sandwich, please.

Can I have extra mayonnaise on it?

Is your family size meal big enough for four adults?


Would you like to upgrade your meal to the large size?

Would you like to go for the meal deal?

How many pieces of chicken nuggets would you like?

Would you like sugar and cream with your coffee?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「得來速點餐」

英國皇室──留存至今的君主制 England's Royal Family: A Monarchy in the Modern Age

The United Kingdom has the most well-known royal family in the world. Right now, the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) has a queen, Queen Elizabeth II. Although the royal family does not hold political power, they represent British culture and history. During Queen Elizabeth's rule, which began in 1952, she has been admired for her dedication to her royal duties and to the British people. Her son, Prince Charles, is next in line for the throne.

As the future king, Prince Charles has been in the public eye almost as much as the queen. When he married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981, people around the world watched the wedding. Princess Diana, as she became known, was admired for her style and beauty. More notably, she brought attention to problems around the world, including landmines, AIDS, and leprosy. Her work to help others led to her nickname, the People's Princess. After her divorce from Prince Charles, she died in a car accident in 1997. People around the world mourned the death of the beloved People's Princess.

Some British people feel that the royal family is obsolete, since its members no longer hold any political power. But there are also those who still adore the royals. Diana and Charles's sons, William and Harry, are known for having their mother's warmth and humanity. Prince William, the oldest and second in line to the throne, married a woman who is not from a noble family, Kate Middleton. Both William and Kate are known for being hands-on parents to their three children. Their eldest son, Prince George, will be king one day. Prince Harry also married a regular person, an American named Meghan Markle. William and Harry are following in their mother's footsteps to make the royal family relatable to ordinary people.

英國擁有全球聞名遐邇的皇室家族。現今,英國(由英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯和北愛爾蘭組成)的君主是伊莉莎白二世女王。雖然皇室家族並不握有實質政權,但他們代表了英倫文化與歷史。伊莉莎白女王自1952 年開始執政後,她對自己皇室職責與英國人民的奉獻,一向令人敬佩。而她的兒子查爾斯王子是下一個王位繼承人。

身為未來國王的查爾斯王子,受到萬眾囑目的程度不亞於女王。1981 年他與黛安娜.史賓瑟女爵結縭時,全球都在觀看這場世紀婚禮。黛安娜王妃,或大家熟知的黛妃,因其處事作風與美貌而令人仰慕,尤其是她讓大家注意到世界各地的問題,包括地雷、愛滋病與痲瘋病等。黛妃援助他人所做的奉獻讓她擁有「全民王妃」的別稱。黛妃與查爾斯王子離婚後,於1997 年的一場車禍中香消玉殞。全世界均哀悼這位備受愛戴的全民王妃之逝世。






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