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2020/12/07第374期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 雙12感謝祭
Quokkas: The Marsupial That's All Smiles

It's not often that a little-known animal becomes a social media star, but that's exactly what happened to a smiling Australian creature called a quokka. After tourists began posing for social media photos with the confident little animal, the quokka's friendliness began earning it popularity worldwide.
Quokkas are cat-sized marsupials that mainly live on small islands in Western Australia. Its name comes from a similar-sounding native Australian word. Quokkas have short brown or gray fur, small ears, and a unique mouth that makes them appear to be smiling! Its appearance has led some to describe quokkas as the world's happiest animals.
Naturally active at night, quokkas will eat during the day if they can find food. They prefer eating grasses and plants, which is also how they get their water. When food is scarce, they rely on fat stores in their tails to survive.
Quokkas are eager to start their own families, and females give birth just one month after mating. As with kangaroos, another type of marsupial, mother quokkas carry their babies in a pouch until they become independent, which for baby quokkas is around six months old.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.235 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

conveyor belt sushi

源自日本的迴轉壽司由於價錢較傳統壽司店親民,且選擇多樣化而廣受大眾喜愛,許多日本的迴轉壽司連鎖店也紛紛來台展店,其中亞洲藏壽司甚至在今年於臺灣證券櫃臺買賣中心(Taipei Exchange)掛牌上櫃,來看看一些相關的用語吧!

chain n. 連鎖店;連鎖集團
freshness n. 新鮮
rotation sushi n. phr. 旋轉壽司
OTC market n. phr. 櫃臺交易市場;店頭市場(為over-the-counter market的簡稱)
nigiri n. 握壽司
sashimi n. 生魚片

tuna 鮪魚
shrimp 蝦子
salmon 鮭魚
fish roe 魚卵

In September, Kura Sushi, a Japanese chain that sells sushi on a conveyor belt, became the first Japan-based restaurant brand to trade on Taiwan's OTC market.

2020/12/7 (一) A very long time ago, a mother kangaroo and her joey met a weak old wombat.

2020/12/8 (二) It's not often that a little-known animal becomes a social media star, but that's exactly what happened to a smiling Australian creature called a quokka.

2020/12/9 (三)

It's possible that quokkas' cheerful nature and winning smile are the very things that will help them to survive.

2020/12/10 (四)

When she was just nine years old, she began learning karate, winning three world championships by her 16th birthday.

2020/12/11 (五)

Soon, even answering the phone or leaving the house became a struggle for the young star, and she found it hard to step onstage.



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