報復性旅遊導致臺灣離島亂象叢生 Overtourism on Taiwan's Offshore1 Islands Causes Major Problems DEC.21,2020/Enjoy Editors
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Taiwanese tourists were cut off from international travel for most of 2020. As a result, local tourism saw a major boost, especially in offshore destinations like Penghu, Green Island, and Orchid Island. With no overseas options available, Taiwan's offshore islands were some of the hottest destinations for people itching for a vacation. 因新冠疫情全球大爆發之故,臺灣的旅遊人士於 2020 大半年都無法出國觀光。正因如此,本地旅遊遂大幅成長,特別是在澎湖、綠島及蘭嶼等離島去處。在沒有任何國外選項的情況下,臺灣的離島便成為渴望度假者眼中一些最熱門的旅遊目的地。 |