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2021/11/26 第593期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 新制多益單字:就業篇
【英語學習Plus】 Don't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet 網路新聞不可盡信
【本月發燒書】 高中進階英單完全掌握:主題式速記學測高頻單字【108課綱新字表】(32K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★套書推薦★英文寫作贏戰攻略:全民英檢/統測作文必修套書【初級+中級】


★ position (名)職務;位置 (動)把......放在適當位置
Anyone can apply for the position by e-mail.
。an open position 對外開放的職缺
。be positioned side by side 並排放置

★ hire (動)僱用 (名)雇員
The company hired part-time workers to do the research.
。hire workers/staff 聘僱員工
。the hiring process 聘僱流程

★ qualified (形)具備必要條件的,合格的
Mr. Jin reviewed the resumes carefully to select qualified candidates.
。a qualified candidate 合格的應徵者
。be qualified for 具有......的資格

────── 節錄寂天講堂「看插畫背熟新制多益單字:就業篇」

Don't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet 網路新聞不可盡信

The Internet is free, open, far-reaching, and available to everyone. Its invention represented a new era for sharing information. Yet these strengths can also be weaknesses. From the very beginning, some people used the Internet to spread lies and misinformation. More recently, they have been getting pretty good at it. Welcome to the era of "fake news."

A fake news story has three key ingredients. The first one is the most straightforward—the news is simply false. Maybe it's one little fact, or maybe the whole story is a work of fiction. But something in there is not true. After all, fake news is called "fake" for a reason.

The second ingredient is where things get tricky. Fake news stories are always made to resemble the real thing. The story might appear on a website that looks and sounds very official. It might also look like people are talking about the story a lot on social media. But in reality, these people aren't people at all. They're often just bots that are sharing a fake news story to make it look real.

The third ingredient of fake news is that there's an agenda behind it. Real news is just news—it's something that happens. Fake news is a weapon. Someone out there is spreading it with a goal in mind. This goal might be political, like using fake news to hurt certain politicians or political parties. It could also be financial, like using fake news to make money. But make no mistake: there's a reason behind every fake news story.

Fake news is everywhere on the Internet these days. Companies like Facebook and Google don't want to get involved with deciding what is "real." As a result, many people can't identify fake news when it shows up in their social media. That means you must always be alert, and question what you read on the Internet!






──選自《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 2)【三版】(16K+1MP3)》


關鍵英單 1:108課綱常用字彙【Levels 1–2】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



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