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2021/11/12 第591期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 color和colour
【英語學習Plus】 Now Everyone Can Make News 自媒體的時代
【本月發燒書】 Let's See Grammar:彩圖初級英文文法【Basic 1】(三版)(菊8K+解答別冊)
【好康情報局】 新書快報★心智圖神奇記憶初級英文文法★圖像記憶更快速



x On Friday night Lenore Chance wore white color pants. → color不用在表示顏色的字後面
v On Friday night Lenore Chance wore white pants.

【color v.s. colour】
美式:Can you guess the color of my new dress?
英式:Can you guess the colour of my new dress?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「color和colour」

Now Everyone Can Make News 自媒體的時代

Twitter, the world's third-largest social media website, has taken on a role that nobody could have expected. It is now both breaking and making the news.

To break the news means to publish a news item before anyone else. Obviously, Twitter is great for that. It gives anyone the ability to instantly publish anything he or she sees. Many people get breaking (brand-new) news via Twitter. And tweets by celebrities, from singers to presidents, can become news stories in their own right. But making the news, changing and affecting the news, is something else. How does Twitter do that?

Mostly, Twitter makes news by helping people organize. Soon after Twitter was developed, people realized how useful it could be. For people planning protests or gatherings, Twitter has a great way to spread the word. After all, Twitter can reach more people in a shorter time than emailing or texting.

So people started using Twitter to organize. That made sense. But then they found out something even more useful about Twitter: it could help organize people on the run. During protests around the world, from Iran to the UK and the United States, people were able to tell huge groups about where to go while they were already in the streets. People used Twitter to tell each other where roadblocks were, where a street was open, or where the police might be. Using Twitter helped the protesters organize and move more effectively. And in this sense, Twitter actually madenews. People could not have organized so well or so quickly without it.

People say information is power, and the Internet has always been used to spread information. These days, Twitter is the fastest way to put that power in the hands of the public.




因此,大家會使用推特來規劃,這很合理。不過,又有人發現到更實在的用法:那就是推特可以同步更新活動進度。伊朗、英國與美國等世界各地的抗 議活動進行期間,群眾發現到儘管已經身在街頭,仍能即時告知龐大同好抗議動線。例如透過推特來提醒彼此設置路障的地點,或是哪些街道有開放,或是警察可能的所在處。運用推特能讓抗議遊行的動線更順暢。以這樣的角度而論,推特正是在製造新聞。如果沒有推特,便無法迅速又成功地辦好活動。


──選自《焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(Level 1)【四版】(16K+1MP3)》

Let's See Grammar:彩圖初級英文文法【Basic 1】(三版)(菊8K+解答別冊)

關鍵英單 1:108課綱常用字彙【Levels 1–2】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


小王子 The Little Prince【原著雙語彩圖本】(25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

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