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2018/06/29 第416期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 國際商業語言
【本月發燒書】 超級英語閱讀訓練1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】
【好康情報局】 《悅讀莎士比亞套書》+《青春,就是要讀莎士比亞》暑期限定72折,加贈小王子奇幻旅行札記
口語會話 Follow me

What's the good word?

A: Hey, guys. I haven't seen you in a while. What's the good word?
B: John got himself a new job, but that's about it really.

A: 嘿,大夥兒,我好一陣子沒見到你們了,有啥好消息?
B: 約翰找到一份新工作了,大概就這樣沒別的了。

<< 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》 >>

The Languages of International Business

Most people would agree that English is an important language for international business. There are more speakers of English as a second language than of any other language in the world. However, the idea that English is the international business language most likely comes from a Western perspective.

Billions of dollars in imports from Asia are bought each year by North American companies. Also, many Western companies now have their own products made in Asia. With Mandarin being the most widely-spoken language in the East, it's possible that it will soon be considered equal in importance to English.

An increasing number of people are learning Mandarin as a second language. It has become a huge plus for those seeking jobs in international business to be able to speak it. Mandarin is a difficult language to learn for many, especially the writing system. Therefore, those who speak Mandarin as a first language may have an advantage over those whose first language is English. However, the people most likely to have successful careers in international business are those with fluency in both languages.




<< 選自In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【2】 (16K彩圖+1MP3) >>
超級英語閱讀訓練1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】(16K +1MP3)



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