The Magic of Dessert Stomach 令人欲罷不能的甜點胃

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2018/06/26 第370期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Magic of Dessert Stomach  令人欲罷不能的甜點胃
by Jamie Blackler

Find out why we always have room for a few extra bites of our favorite desserts.



  You've just finished devouring a five-course meal at a fancy restaurant. During dinner, you consumed a plate of oysters, plenty of mashed potatoes with gravy, and an enormous juicy steak. When everyone is finished with their main course, you tell the people sitting at your table that you're stuffed and can't eat another bite. __1__ How could this be?
  The reason we always seem to have room for cake, candy, and ice cream after a big meal is due to a phenomenon called dessert stomach. __2__ When we first get the feeling that we are full, our senses are actually sending a signal to our brain that we don't want to have any more of that
particular type of food. __3__ Next, the stomach, which is extremely flexible, relaxes and expands its upper walls to make room for the extra food. As the sugar gets into our bloodstream, it stimulates the body's relaxation reflex. __4__ It's not until after we've finished our dessert that we start to suffer the consequences.
  Although dessert stomach may provide us with temporary pleasure, it can destroy our diet
in the long run. The biggest weapon we have in combating overeating is will power. __5__ At the very least, we should force ourselves to order an alternative dessert with fewer calories and less sugar in the interest of digestive health.

(A) Scientists studying how our brains react to food have discovered just how it works.
(B) In turn, pressure on the stomach is reduced, and we temporarily don't feel the discomfort of overeating.
(C) When temptations rise, we must remind ourselves that eating too much is unhealthy, which is easier said than done in the heat of the moment.
(D) Yet when the waiter brings out a large slice of German chocolate cake, your appetite suddenly returns.
(E) We've all experienced this gustatory sensation.
(F) However, when our eyes lock onto a piece of tiramisu or a chocolate sundae, our brains override the signal that we are full and instruct us to keep eating for pleasure.


oyster n. 蠔,牡犡
gravy n. 肉汁
stuffed a. 吃飽的;填充的
phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
: phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
sense n. 知覺;感官
: common sense  常識
signal n. 信號,標誌
bloodstream n. 血流
reflex n. 反射(作用)

1. 第一題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 "When everyone is finished with their main course, you tell the people sitting at your table that you're stuffed and can't eat another bite."(當所有人都享用完他們的主餐之後,你跟同桌的人說你很飽且無法再多吃一口了。),而 (D) 項句子
提及 "Yet when the waiter brings out a large slice of German chocolate cake, your appetite suddenly returns."(然而,當服務生端出一大塊德國巧克力蛋糕時,你的食慾又突然回來了。),前一句的 stuffed(很飽)與 (D) 項句子的 appetite suddenly returns(食慾又突然回來了)產生轉折,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

appetite n. 食慾,胃口

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The reason we always seem to have room for cake, candy, and ice cream after a big meal is due to a phenomenon called dessert stomach."(我們似乎總是在一頓大餐之後還吃得下蛋糕、糖果以及冰淇淋,這是因為一種稱為「甜點胃」的現象。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "Scientists studying how our brains react to food have discovered just how it works."(研究我們大腦對食物作何反應的科學家已經發現它是如何運作。),前一句的 dessert stomach(甜點胃)這現象與 (A) 項句子的 how it works(它是如何運作)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

react to N/V-ing  對……作出反應
The doctor observed the child to see how he would react to the medicine.

3. 第三題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "... our senses are actually sending a signal to our brain that we don't want to have any more of that particular type of food."(……我們的感官實際上會傳送一則信息給大腦,表示我們不想要更多那種特定類型的食物。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "However, when our eyes lock onto a piece of tiramisu or a chocolate sundae, our brains override the signal that we are full..."(然而,當我們的眼睛鎖定一份提拉米蘇或巧克力聖代時,我們的大腦就會否決我們已經飽足的信息……),前後兩句皆提及 signal(信息)一字,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

a. override vt. 否決;撤銷
b. instruct vt. 指示,教導
Our teacher instructed us to solve the complicated math problems on our own.

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "As the sugar gets into our bloodstream, it stimulates the body's relaxation reflex."(當糖進入我們的血液時,便會刺激身體的鬆弛反射。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "In turn, pressure on the stomach is reduced, and we temporarily don't feel the discomfort of overeating."(相對地,胃的壓力減輕了,我們暫時不會感受到暴飲暴食的不適感。),前一句提及糖類進入身體所產生的變化,(B) 項句子則描述接下來胃部的反應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

discomfort n. 不舒服,不適

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The biggest weapon we have in combating overeating is will power."(我們所擁有對抗暴飲暴食的最佳利器就是意志力。),而 (C) 項句子提及 "When temptations rise, we must remind ourselves that eating too much is unhealthy..."(當誘惑來襲,我們必須提醒自己吃太多是不健康的……),前一句的 overeating(暴飲暴食)與 (C) 項句子的 eating too much(吃太多)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. temptation n. 誘惑,引誘
b. in the heat of the moment  一時衝動
The couple started to argue, and in the heat of the moment, she hit him.

1. be finished with...  完成/結束……
One more mile to go, and we'll be finished with this hike.

2. in the long run  從長遠來看;終究
: in the long term  
In the long run, alcohol can lead to liver disease.

3. force sb to V  迫使/強迫某人(做)……
Don't force others to do things that you wouldn't want to do yourself.

4. in the interest of...  為了……(的利益)

1. devour vt. 狼吞虎嚥地吃
Edward devoured the plate of fried rice in less than two minutes.

2. consume vt. 吃,喝;消費
Johnny consumed most of the potato chips I bought for the party.

3. enormous a. 巨大的,龐大的
The actor enjoyed enormous popularity for over 20 years.

4. particular a. 特別的,特殊的
: particularly adv. 特別地,尤其
Agriculture in this particular area isn't sustainable due to the harsh climate.
*sustainable a. 能維持/持續的
Diseases pose a threat to humans, particularly in hot and humid places.
*pose a threat to...  對……構成威脅

5. flexible a. 有彈性的;可變通的
We should adopt a more flexible approach to the problem.

6. expand vt. & vi. 擴張,擴展
The police force will be expanded to help combat crime.
Tammy envisions her company expanding by the end of this year.
*envision vt. 想像,展望

7. stimulate vt. 刺激;激勵
By reading different kinds of books, you can stimulate your imagination.

8. consequence n. 後果,結果
: consequently adv. 結果,因此
= As a consequence, S + V
= As a result, S + V
Such a rash decision may result in grave consequences.
*rash a. 草率的
grave a. 嚴重的,令人擔憂的
It suddenly rained. Consequently, our picnic was postponed.

9. combat vt. 對抗,戰鬥
The country combatted the malaria outbreak by giving out free medicine.
*malaria n. 瘧疾

10. alternative a. 替代的 & n. 替代方案;選擇
: have no alternative / choice / option but to V  不得不……
With gasoline prices on the rise, many countries are trying to find alternative energy sources.
*gasoline n. 汽油
A huge typhoon is coming, so we have no alternative but to cancel the trip.




答案: 1. D  2. A  3. F  4. B  5.C






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