Destination Wild—The New Sperm Whale   野外遊蹤 —— 全新抹香鯨

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2018/06/19 第355期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Destination Wild—The New Sperm Whale 野外遊蹤 —— 全新抹香鯨
Journey into the deep with National Geographic.




   Humans have managed to explore almost every inch of land on the globe from Siberia to Antarctica. We have even left our planet entirely to begin our journey into space. However, the deepest parts of the oceans still remain a mystery to us. This month on National Geographic's Destination Wild—The New Sperm Whale, viewers will be taken on a never-before-seen journey to the ocean depths with one of its largest mammals.
   Sperm whales have evolved to hunt in the deepest parts of the sea. Their giant bodies allow them to survive the extreme water pressure. Protected by thick layers of fat, these whales can
dive nearly 2,500 meters below the waves. They can achieve this amazing stunt because they can hold their breath for up to 90 minutes. It is there in the dark that they go on the hunt for giant squid and other animals we have never even seen before. Thanks to new radio tags, 3D scanning technology, and advanced cameras, National Geographic film crews were able to follow these hunters down to the bottom of the deep blue sea. Be sure to tune in to Destination Wild—The New Sperm Whale this month on National Geographic.




















   人類設法探索了地球上從西伯利亞到南極洲的幾乎每一寸土地。我們甚至完全離開地球開始航向外太空。然而,海底最深處對我們而言仍是個謎。這個月在國家地理的《野外遊蹤 —— 全新抹香鯨》中,觀眾將與海洋中最大的哺乳類動物之一作伴一起進行一趟前所未見的海底深處之旅。
   抹香鯨已演化成能夠在海底最深處獵食。牠們龐大的身軀讓牠們能在高水壓下生存。這些鯨魚在厚厚的脂肪層保護之下,可以潛至海平面下約兩千五百公尺深。牠們可以完成這項驚人的特技是因為牠們可以閉氣長達九十分鐘。在一片黑暗中,牠們獵食大型烏賊和其他我們從沒看過的動物。多虧了無線電追蹤器、3D 掃描技術以及先進的攝影機,國家地理攝影工作人員才能追蹤這些獵食者至蔚藍深海底下。這個月一定要鎖定國家地理的《野外遊蹤 —— 全新抹香鯨》喲。


▼ sperm whale n. 抹香鯨
▼ mammal
n. 哺乳類動物
▼ evolve
vi. 演進,進化
▼ stunt
n. 特技
▼ squid
n. 烏賊;魷魚(複數形加不加 s 皆可)
▼ radio tag 
n. 無線電追蹤器
▼ scanning
n. 掃描


1. journey vi. & n.(尤指長途)旅行
Jane journeyed to Japan last summer and had a fantastic time there.

2. globe n. 地球;世界
The famous cook shared his love of food with people all over the globe on his blog.

3. dive vi. 潛入(水中);跳水(三態為:dive, dived / dove, dived)
Mike dove into the lake in hopes of cooling off.

4. technology n. 科技
This new smartphone represents the future of technology.

5. advanced a. 先進的
My new coffee maker is the most advanced model on the market.

6. crew n. 一隊工作人員
The crew finished setting the stage up in no time.






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