Savage Kingdom: Uprising 野蠻王國:群雄起義

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2018/06/05 第367期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Savage Kingdom: Uprising  野蠻王國:群雄起義
by Marcus Maurice

On the African savanna, every single day is a struggle between life and death.



  Living in a remote part of the African plains is unforgiving. Warringclans of predators always have to be aware of their surroundings because their competition is everywhere. For many years, the environment in the African savanna was abundant because of floods, but now everything is drying up because of a drought. This means that animals are moving into new territory and competing for fewer resources, which can cause a lot of fighting.
  This month, National Geographic continues to push the boundaries of wildlife storytelling with its four-part series, Savage Kingdom: Uprising. This visually stunning, intimate, and brutally intense series follows lion king, Sekekama, and his battle to keep the crown he has held for many years. Surprisingly, the ones who want to take the crown are his own bloodthirsty sons. The other characters in Savage Kingdom are Saba, the area's deadliest leopard assassin, and her son, who she is hoping will follow in her footsteps. Also, Zalika, the queen hyena, is training her pups to attack at will.
  Sekekama's only hope of survival from the drought is to take his clan into enemy territory. This means that they will run into a lot of trouble from rivals who used to be close and some unexpected new challengers. Will this be the time that the young princes decide to attack their own blood? Will Sekekama survive or perish in a battle with new opponents? Just remember that no one is safe in the Savage Kingdom: Uprising, this month on National Geographic.


cash register  收銀機
scanner n. 掃描器
: scan vt. & n. 掃描
caregiver n. 看護者

1. be aware of...  意識到/明白……
I wasn't aware of my spelling mistakes until Carl pointed them out to me.

2. dry up  乾涸;枯竭
: dry up...  使……乾涸
After the company moved its factories overseas, jobs in my hometown quickly dried up.
The scorching summer heat dried up the pond.
*scorching a. 酷熱的

3. continue to V  繼續……
If you continue to fool around and waste your life away, you're going to end up with nothing.
*fool around  遊手好閒;閒晃

4. follow in sb's footsteps
Kelly followed in her father's footsteps and became a doctor.

5. at will  隨心所欲地
The commander told his troops to fire at will once the enemy was in sight.
*troops n. 軍隊(恆為複數)

1. abundant a. 大量的;充足的
: be abundant with...  有大量的……;充滿……
This lake is abundant with carp and trout.
*carp n. 鯉魚
trout n. 鱒魚

2. territory n. 領土,屬地
: territorial a. 領土的
Those warriors failed in their conquest of the new territory.
*conquest n. 征服
That country tried to claim territorial rights over the island.

3. resource n. 資源
: resourceful a. 足智多謀的
Students should make good use of the school's library. It has many useful resources.
A resourceful worker always finds a way to get the job done.

4. visually adv. 視覺上
: visual a. 視覺的
Are you good at judging long distances visually?
These visual aids will help my students understand this concept.

5. intimate a. 密切的;親密的
: intimacy n. 親密
Intimate communication is necessary for true friendship.
The intimacy between the couple has grown dramatically over the past few months.

6. brutally adv. 嚴苛地;粗暴地
: brutal a. 殘忍的;野蠻的
Ian was brutally beaten by a bully.
This serial killer was sentenced to life imprisonment for the brutal murder of five little girls.
*life imprisonment  無期徒刑

7. intense a. 強烈的,劇烈的
: intensity n. 熱切;強烈
Mandy's hatred for her ex-husband was so intense that she would never forgive him.
*hatred n. 仇恨,恨意
The boss likes David because whatever he does, he does it with intensity.

8. unexpected a. 出乎意料的
Tina's ability to deal with unexpected problems has never been in doubt.

9. perish vi. 死去;滅亡
It has been found that many ocean sunfish are perishing due to pollution.
*ocean sunfish  曼波魚

10. opponent n. 對手
During the primary elections, Frank's opponent was Jason.








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