來到卡達「隼」沒錯! Fantastic Falcons and How to Fly Them for Fun OCT 10,2022/Enjoy Editors Qataris love their falcons. The roots of falconry go far back in time. The story goes that around the 7th century, a Persian king once watched a falcon capture a bird. He was so amazed that he decided to capture the falcon to learn from it. He did this and afterwards became a wise and patient ruler. Whether the story is true or not, falcons have been a part of Arab culture for many years. In the desert, a falcon can provide its owner with meat that they would be unlikely to catch on their own. Today, falconry in Qatar is more like a sport. Trainers have their falcons compete in hunts, races, and beauty events.
卡達人熱愛他們的隼。 馴鷹術的根源可追溯至很久以前。故事是這樣的,大約在七世紀時,一位波斯國王曾看到一隻隼捉鳥。他感到非常吃驚,所以決定要捕捉這隻隼來向牠學習。他這麼做了,而且進而成為了一位睿智且耐心的統治者。不論這則故事是真是假,隼多年來一直是阿拉伯文化中的一環。在沙漠中,隼可以為牠的主人提供他們自己不太可能捕捉到的獸肉。今日,馴鷹術在卡達比較像是一項運動。訓練員讓他們的隼於捕獵、比賽和選美活動中競爭。
- root n. 根源;起因
- capture vt. 捕捉
- patient a. 有耐心的