D.I.Y. Solar Panels Boom in Germany 德國人從自家陽台對抗氣候變遷

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2024/09/27 第504期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 D.I.Y. Solar Panels Boom in Germany 德國人從自家陽台對抗氣候變遷
Ukraine Stocks Recruits, But Are They Prepared? 烏克蘭廣募新兵 但有本事打硬仗嗎
D.I.Y. Solar Panels Boom in Germany 德國人從自家陽台對抗氣候變遷
文/Melissa Eddy


At a Berlin trade fair for sustainability, a new gadget caught Waltraud Berg's eye — a solar panel small enough to be easily installed on the side of a balcony and then plugged into a wall socket to feed energy produced by the sun directly into her home.


"I was absolutely thrilled to learn that such a thing even existed, that you can generate your own power and be more independent," said Berg, a retiree who installed several panels on the south-facing balcony of her Berlin apartment by herself.


Each of the lightweight panels produces only enough electricity to charge a laptop or run a small refrigerator. But in homes across Germany, they are powering a quiet transformation, bringing the green revolution into the hands of people without requiring them to make a large investment, find an electrician or use heavy tools.


"You don't need to drill or hammer anything," Berg said. "You just hang them from the balcony like wet laundry in Italy."


More than 500,000 of the systems have already been set up across Germany, and new laws that relaxed rules around solar panel installation have contributed to a boom in use. In the first six months of the year, the country added 9 gigawatts of photovoltaic capacity, the amount of solar power a system produces, according to the Federal Network Agency, a German regulator.


"We are seeing a continuous increase in solar installations in particular," said Klaus Müller, president of the agency. "Compared to the total capacity at the end of 2023, almost 10% more solar capacity was added. Of that, two-thirds was installed on buildings, which includes balcony systems."


As part of its push to move away from dependence on Russian natural gas, the European Union is looking to quadruple the amount of power generated through photovoltaic sources by 2030, to 600 gigawatts. Germany aims to reach one-third of that amount by the same year. This year, Germany is expected to add more solar power capacity than any other European country, according to Rystad Energy.


Some of the solar panels sold in Germany are made by European companies, but most are produced in China, whose dominance of the global industry allows it to deliver solar panels at increasingly lower costs, said Nicholas Lua, an analyst with Rystad Energy.


Ukraine Stocks Recruits, But Are They Prepared? 烏克蘭廣募新兵 但有本事打硬仗嗎
文/Constant Méheut

烏克蘭廣募新兵 但有本事打硬仗嗎

Ukraine's campaign to replenish its war-weary troops is ramping up and should help fill personnel gaps on the front line in the coming weeks, according to Ukrainian officials, soldiers and military analysts.


The mobilization push has so far not significantly bolstered Ukraine's forces on the battlefield, those people say. Many conscripts are still completing the weekslong training process and have yet to reach the front. And some recruits who have arrived are not physically fit for combat, members of Ukrainian units have noted.


But several brigades deployed on the battlefield have reported an increase in the number of conscripts they have received in recent weeks. They said they were hoping that the influx of soldiers would help Ukraine to stabilize the front line this summer.


Nazar Voytenkov, press officer for the 33rd Mechanized Brigade, said that his unit had "received more newbies this month" than they had at the beginning of the year. "And today I was told that more are coming to us," he added.


The Ukrainian authorities have declined to share conscription figures, arguing that the information is confidential. Three military experts with knowledge of the figures said that Kyiv had been drafting up to 30,000 people a month since May, when a new conscription law took effect. That is two to three times more than during the last winter months, they said, and about the same number that the Russian army is recruiting each month. That figure could not be independently confirmed.


The experts spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the confidential numbers.


Troop shortages have been one of Ukraine's biggest problems on the battlefield for the past year. Russian forces have managed to break through weakened Ukrainian lines by overwhelming them with waves of ground assaults.


Ukraine has struggled to recruit or draft more soldiers because of what critics say is a system mired in Soviet-style bureaucracy and corruption. Most Ukrainians also see basic training for conscripts as inadequate, a recent survey showed, leading some to avoid the draft, worried that they would not be prepared for combat.


To address the issue, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a law in April requiring all men under 60 to register at draft offices or online, with the goal of streamlining the mobilization process. The Defense Ministry said this month that 4.7 million had obliged.


新青安幫到誰?李同榮:三種人受益 年輕人深受其害
新青安房貸亂象頻傳,政府近期進行修正管制,但仍強調新青安是幫助年輕人買房的好政策。不過,房市專家李同榮表示,新青安有三種人受益,包括建商、售屋者 ,買來轉租的投資客。但也有一種人深受其害,就是年輕人,沒買的,望屋興嘆,買的人則為了不到十萬元的補助,卻要多花50萬以上,吸收被拉高的房價,等於買或沒買屋的年輕人全部淪為受害者。

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