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2020/07/06第353期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




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The Skinny on Sausages

If you stop and think about sausages for a second, they are pretty strange. A length of animal intestine, stuffed with spices and ground meat, cooked to brown perfection: How did anyone think to try that, and why? Most historians agree that sausages were invented by people from a region called Mesopotamia, in what is now the Middle East, around 4,000 years ago.
However, the modern sausage called "salami" first appeared in written history in the fifth century BC. The name is believed to come from the ancient Greek city of Salamis, near Cyprus. Then again, the word "sausage" itself is from the Latin word salsus, meaning "salted," and was coined during the Roman Empire.
The humble sausage once fulfilled a vital role in peoples' lives. Before the invention of refrigeration, a common way to stop food from spoiling in hot countries was to pack it in a casing with salt and hang it somewhere to dry. This meant that food could be preserved for a long time and eaten during times of food shortage. On top of that, sausages make use of every last bit of meat—a quality that would have been important at a time when food was not so easy to come by.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.231 7月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

dalgona coffee

「四百次咖啡」又稱whipped coffee或cloud coffee,起源自澳門的一家咖啡店,由於韓國綜藝節目採訪而開始在網路上爆紅,其作法十分簡單,只需將即溶咖啡粉、砂糖和熱水以等比例混合,然後用湯匙或攪拌器攪打四百次,再把打發的奶霜加到牛奶上即可,成品吸睛又美味,不妨動手做做看吧!

uinstant coffee powder n. phr. 即溶咖啡粉
whip v. 攪打
whisk n. 打蛋器、手持攪拌器
electric mixer n. phr. 電動攪拌機
foam n. 泡沫(在此指「奶霜」)

Thanks to social media, the popularity of dalgona coffee, a whipped coffee drink named after a type of Korean candy, has exploded.

2020/7/6 (一)

Other countries also have their own take on this meat-filled tube.

2020/7/7 (二)

There's nothing wrong with a little color.

2020/7/8 (三)

Most places in Asia have a high population density, especially when compared to the US.

2020/7/9 (四)

Bats have very active immune systems to protect their cells from viruses.

2020/7/10 (五)

As the number of humans on Earth has increased, so have the chances for bats and humans to have contact with each other.


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